Example sentences of "[vb base] [not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] in [det] " in BNC.

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1 I do not mean it in any ideological sense or historical sense or to be provocative but it 's very , it 's with very deep feelings that I speak to you today because you may not understand it but for me , after thirty three years in exile I was able to return to South Africa in nineteen ninety one and one of the first activities to which I was invited was the annual meeting of Cosatu And so when we say comrades in that sense , and thank you as comrades we mean it as comrades in arms .
2 We 've got ta be careful that in er using that sheet , we do n't do it in such a way as to bully and turn off the customer by saying , by the way , you 'd better make sure you 've done this , this , this , this and this , cos I 'm not doing it .
3 I just would suggest that we do n't do it in this committee .
4 ‘ I reckon his best chance would be as a goal-kicking winger but I do n't want him in this role for Widnes .
5 ‘ I do n't want them in this country .
6 " I understand that people do n't welcome them in these parts . "
7 I do n't blame you in these days of ever increasing prices : whoever would have imagined the day would come when we would be paying 10/ — for a loaf of bread .
8 ‘ They do n't find it in any way offensive , in fact they say it is beautifully done . ’
9 Just one thing dough do n't buy ya in this town , fella ; total silence .
10 Do n't sell yours in any second-hand dealing in the Union .
11 ‘ That is what makes mother so miserable , that I do n't resemble her in any way .
12 I 'm not suggesting anything do n't say it in that tone of voice !
13 BELVILLE : Do n't receive me in this manner , I charge you .
14 Do n't address me in that tone ! ’ snapped her ladyship , eyes firing up .
15 ‘ If we do n't pack 'em in this weather , we never will pack 'em in , that 's what I always say . ’
16 I do n't see him in that way at all . ’
17 You hear about the times of good King Hal , and the rather implausible suggestion that he wrote ‘ Greensleeves ’ , but I do n't see him in any romantic light at all .
18 ‘ You may not want them to begin with , but you should n't fix it , do n't say ‘ I 'll never want children ’ , and do n't put him in that position either .
19 We do n't condone them in any way , especially if they have racist or sexist aspects .
20 A Firstly , I am assuming you have not damaged it in any way ?
21 I usually bump into him every so often on the stairs , in one of the upstairs rooms or in the garden , but I have not seen him in some time .
22 It 's important that we identify what desires and needs we could have in common with one another when using this approach ; if we do n't know the people concerned very well , or have not considered them in this way , we need to use the participative approach described above .
23 Because the characters and the dialogue of this offstage life were created by the original cast , we have not included it in this script .
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