Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Now since I 've just about learnt the difference between the sharp end and the blunt end of a boat , I 've decided to go straight to the top and get some expert advice from the R Y A and who better than the R Y A's national coach John , Hi John .
2 They ca n't even meet their own boyfriends outside the club-they 've got to go right outside the area .
3 ‘ I 've got to lie here for the next twelve hours without moving with an ice-pack over half my face because you walked out and left me to the mercy of a predatory pit-popsy ! ’
4 ‘ You 've got to get ahead of the rest , ’ I blurted .
5 As Ian said , ‘ After one robbery , you 've got to prepare immediately for the next . ’
6 You know and it 's a sort of awareness you know then and and now we talk about , Oh we 've got to stay together after the strike I mean what what are we going to do .
7 ‘ This is something I should have done days ago ; something I 've wanted to do almost from the first moment we met , yet I 've fought against it every step of the way , just as you have .
8 However , health campaigners , who reacted angrily to warnings that the axe could fall , have decided to press ahead with the meeting , saying they can not trust the healthcare trust .
9 Correlations in this area , especially in non-Marxist work but still in most Marxist work hitherto , have tended to proceed less from the steady analysis of evidence than from relatively a priori concepts , usually of a strictly contemporary kind , to which such evidence as there is is illustratively added .
10 In Russia , people have had to build mikvas secretly , some of them have built a hidden one t-n their home , and have had to live constantly with the fear of being discovered by the KGB who would imprison them because of it .
11 Over the last couple of months many folk have requested to know more about the BMS World Mission Link ( WML ) and our link partners the Collict and Meikle families .
12 Recent commentaries on the mass media derived from within the broad Marxist tradition have attempted to move away from the simplistic view of the mass media as mere relay systems ; a view which implicitly suggests that the study of the mass media is not problematic since their ownership ( usually by large corporations ) pre-determines the nature of their work .
13 ‘ Ever since my father got as far as the fourth fence when leading the field on Zimulator in L'Escargot 's year in 1975 , I have wanted to do well in the race , ’ he told me .
14 The couple are due to wed in Great Victoria Street Presbyterian Church on Saturday , October 16 , and have vowed to go ahead with the ceremony .
15 * Achieving cultures are cultures that have begun to break away from the traditions of the past , in order to develop and grow .
16 To a considerable extent , older people have learnt to respond appropriately to the dominant social expectations of old age , but often entirely inappropriately to their own feelings and needs .
17 More than half of all companies required to apply for pollution licences have failed to do so by the deadline of the end of September , according to reports submitted to the conference of the National Society for Clean Air .
18 The first criticism is that banks in the UK have failed to provide adequately for the needs of industry .
19 Andrea Newman and Susannah Lopez are two women who have chosen to remain exclusively in the grant-aided sector and who are struggling to maintain that working practice as an option for other women .
20 The evaluators ' impression of the panel 's work is of a number of talented and committed individuals , representing several interest groups within education and the library services but sharing a common interest in developing effective learning , who have managed to achieve much in the absence of a really effective committee .
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