Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] [num] of [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The truth is , I 've broken one of the first rules of being a doctor .
2 They 've won 16 of the last 17 races and victory this year will pull them level with Cambridge on 69 wins apiece .
3 Erm the reason why parental investment theory is is particularly sensitive to , to the female point of view of course is as we 've seen one of the fundamental consequence of anisogamy is the fact that females normally invest more in offspring than do males , whereas males concentrate on mating success normally , females normally concentrate on erm parental , in individual offspring .
4 When I look around now , I know I 've got one of the best squads even in the Premier League .
5 At least I 'll get a ticket for the Republic match — I 've got one of the special tickets !
6 they 've got one of the biggest armies in the wor , they have
7 Yeah because it 's just I feel I 'm missing a page , I 've got two of the same page
8 ‘ If a sigh is four beats too late , I 'm on the other side of the stage four beats too early and the laugh is dead and I 've lost one of the best moments in the show . ’
9 Er , er , it 's dreadful is n't it , that we 've lost two of the outstanding footballers of this or any other age in one year .
10 In addition , the last two million years have seen one of the greatest glaciations in the earth 's history .
11 Deprived urban areas have had one of the largest increases in expenditure since we took office .
12 Stephen Brown , Research Fellow , Centre for Research in Social policy , Loughborough University of technology There seems little doubt that multi-disciplinary teams have become one of the principal vehicles for improving health and social care services in the community .
13 This is just one of the reasons why we have become one of the largest banks in West Germany , with a balance sheet total of over DM 116 billion .
14 Oxford led me back to Nottingham : whilst at St Antony 's I came across some pamphlets published by Spokesman — the imprint of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation Ltd , where I have spent nine of the last twelve years .
15 Does he agree that those policies have constituted one of the successful planks of the social revolution in this country since 1979 ?
16 Attempts to bolster the numbers of the endangered rufous hare wallaby in the Australian outback have been set back by domestic cats , which have killed 11 of the rare animals introduced to remote areas after a captive breeding programme .
17 I have read three of the first four issues and find it thoroughly enjoyable with lots of practical help and practical help is what I require .
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