Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There 's a feeling of belonging and caring ; the demonstrators seem bonded together by a common link .
2 incredibly er you know worsened basically during the nineteen thirties
3 As basaltic lavas cool through the temperature interval 500 to 450 °C ( the Curie point ) the atomic groups within the iron minerals they contain become aligned parallel to the magnetic lines of force acting upon them .
4 In any case , where the supplier offers competitive or preferential credit terms and loan finance to the customer , the two parties become tied together by the financial packaging of contractual terms between the two parties .
5 They 've marched straight into the vestal virgins ' changing tent .
6 And that 's the quickest hospital , because we 've responded again in the medical profession .
7 ’ It would n't be an overstatement to say we 've carried near on a hundred tons of material of one sort or another up this driveway to our house , whereas it could have been done in a couple of days with permission to drive up . ’
8 At a time when the easy option for a band like Moose would be to step up the distortion , rip off a few riffs and steam into the easy-money heaven where rock pigs run wild , they 've flipped away on a heady , affecting tangent that 's been traced in the last five or ten years by The Weather Prophets and Lloyd Cole , but rarely in that time with such grace and preconception-shattering nerve .
9 AT A time when the easy option for a band like Moose would be to step up the distortion , rip off a few riffs and steam into the easy-money heaven where rock pigs run wild , they 've flipped away on a heady , affecting tangent that 's been traced in the last five or ten years by The Weather Prophets and Lloyd Cole , but rarely with such grace .
10 Having been through the usual bass/guitar/drum formative years , they 've moved sideways to a shiny guitar/keyboard sound which draws on the good bits of the early '80s , without being retro .
11 And they 've written fondly about the Sixties :
12 Now , as we 've said earlier on the Holy Spirit works in the new birth and it is through the work of the Holy Spirit that we come to know God .
13 If that is all you 've got even with a double lock , locking action it is very easy to open up .
14 The point is that we will never know what God can do with us until we 've ventured forward with a little faith .
15 I 've played well against the better teams and the better players .
16 I share the spoils with Sunil , to whom I 've spoken vaguely about an eccentric rich friend .
17 Erm It 's really only a case of each function sifting through the information that they 've pulled together from the annual report .
18 They 've gone away for a few days .
19 Although the work of the group is documented elsewhere , I feel I 've gained considerably from the hidden agenda .
20 Obviously there are other aspects of intelligent behaviour , some of which Bali may discourage ; perhaps a time will come when he tells himself ‘ I 've run away from a big world to a little one , I was wrong ’ .
21 I 've worked only for the common good , humbly trying to advance knowledge … ’
22 I presume there are people with second homes who actually have money which they 've put aside for the right property .
23 Across ashen , unredeemable scenes , Shakespeare 's words resound with redoubled force and humanity ; they sound almost ironic , in their fruitless reaching towards the images and emotions which have drained away from a soulless , monochrome universe .
24 We have stumbled now into the dark cellars of ecumenism whence multilateral Church conversationalists dare not go .
25 Land prices have fallen dramatically during the past four years ( by an average of 35 per cent according to the Departmentof the Environment ) and the prices of materials and services have also fallen .
26 Road accidents in the North-East have fallen dramatically in the last ten years .
27 Remarriage rates ( the number of marriages per thousand divorced persons ) have fallen continuously since the 1970s , largely due to the growing popularity of cohabitation between marriages .
28 Prices have fallen steeply in the last year , and while this year 's drop will not be so dramatic , prices will continue to fall .
29 When further broken down , the figures for public institutions are somewhat sobering , since educational libraries represent only 9% of publishers ' total sales , and public libraries a mere 5% — and these contributions as a percentage of the total have fallen steadily over the past five years , due to wide-ranging public spending cuts in this period .
30 Adoptions have fallen steadily in the last 15 years .
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