Example sentences of "[vb base] [adj] [noun sg] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These dirty , uncaring individuals daily supply undeniable ammunition for the anti-dog brigade , leading to hysteria surrounding toxocariasis based on prejudice rather than fact .
2 As part of our programme to outlaw cruelty to wild mammals , we will allow a free vote in the House of Commons on a proposal to ban the hunting of live quarry with hounds and , if that is passed , provide parliamentary time for the necessary legislation .
3 However , married or cohabiting women are not eligible in any circumstances , although all the evidence shows that they provide substantial care for the sick and elderly and that their opportunities for paid employment are thereby reduced or removed altogether .
4 In summary , our results provide circumstantial support for the hypothesized link between solar cycle length and irradiance .
5 I 've used a wheelchair for some time and I 'm grateful to town planners who provide special parking for the disabled to make shopping easier for us .
6 However , many authorities lack separate provision for the younger disabled , who have to join old people in residential homes .
7 As part of the evolving role of the regions of Europe , we will establish a Scottish representative office in Brussels and seek appropriate representation for the Scottish Parliament in European institutions .
8 Yet more instructions are given as to how the people should live , how they should avoid oppression , and show true compassion for the poor and the vulnerable .
9 Here we present neurological evidence for the former view from studies of a brain-injured patient with visual neglect .
10 I mean , now you get big money for the first story !
11 Treuhandanstalt is an agency withe special responsibility for the economic re-unification of Germany .
12 State financial provision for the disabled is very complex and patchy .
13 Hocevar expressed gratitude for the British action in preventing Croats entering Austria , and stated that it was Yugoslav policy that " Croats should be bottled up in the pass leading to Austria and later disarmed " .
14 Some South African Dutch reformed theologians claim Scriptural support for the outrageous assertion that blacks are an inferior race of people .
15 Hostels which offer short-term care for the young homeless find their clients are usually the most vulnerable and difficult ( Hutton and Liddiard 1990 ) .
16 Indeed , where die links are found between coins of different cities , such as in southern Italy in the fourth century BC or Asia Minor in the second and third centuries AD , these links constitute good evidence for the centralised production at one mint of the coinage of several cities .
17 You will plan strategy with commercial colleagues , negotiate the terms of a deal with the customer [ or joint venture partner and its lawyers ] , and take sole responsibility for the legal form of the deal .
18 Three major charities , Christian Aid , SCIAF and Shelter Scottish Campaign for the Homeless , have joined together for form Home & Away .
19 ‘ It is the most energy and cost-effective way to introduce lead free petrol for the mass market , ’ Douglas Harvey , director-general of the UK Petroleum Industries Association , said last week .
20 Romania is to stay a republic , suggesting the country 's new rulers see little future for the former King Michael .
21 The pool-liners which fall into the next category are what one might call in the medium-price range and represent good value for the average newcomer to water gardening .
22 I have great respect for the right hon. and learned Gentleman .
23 Most treatment span a period of time , so check that you have sufficient medication for the whole course .
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