Example sentences of "[vb base] [art] [adj] [noun] of time " in BNC.

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1 Changes in the question wording used also make the meaningful interpretation of time series health data problematic .
2 For a programme in which you can devote six hours a day to language learning , Brewster and Brewster suggest the following amounts of time on each phrase : In your daily programme you may experience two reactions — boredom or frustration .
3 Another which could be used , if you want a longer stretch of time for the recording , is the Synchrofax Audio Page ( see Appendix 2 ) .
4 No moving : Let time close over us like water … over this world , let the even surface of time close once again …
5 Such companies are highly competitive and welcome the colossal saving of time and money new methods represent .
6 ‘ Both put a great deal of time into their jobs , ’ Bloch says , ‘ and prefer rapid promotion to security and congenial work .
7 I am grateful both to the Education spokespersons who put a great deal of time in , in order to carry out erm their preparations towards this report and to and to take part in the consultation exercises and to my own colleagues .
8 The courses offered cover a huge range of time , from the origins of the human species , through the millennia of prehistory , the early civilizations of Mesopotamia , Egypt and the East Mediterranean and down to Celtic Europe at the beginning of Roman imperial expansion in Western Europe .
9 There were also the personal matters , which , as every young person knows , consume an unconscionable amount of time .
10 The great advantages of using a computer lie in its ability to select the records of specific kinds of people very much more quickly than is possible with a manual record system , and to extract and present information required in a wide variety of formats These two applications of a computer not only save a vast amount of time .
11 I would , therefore , expect every beginner to ferreting to obtain one of these battery-powered locator systems since they really are quite simple to use — and for a beginner especially they save an enormous amount of time .
12 We also see that teaching will build people up and we make a small amount of time after worship for this also .
13 you never get the same amount of time as anybody else .
14 So which Alison feels is erm er you know the right sort of time
15 If you know from experience that you are the over-anxious type you must take yourself firmly in hand and allot a fixed ration of time for revision , the rest of the day being spent in healthy exercise .
16 Like pluralists , structuralists are aware of the dysfunctional nature of military expenditure for capitalism and devote a considerable amount of time to dismantling any simple economist or reductionist account of the growth of the military-industrial complex .
17 They devote an inordinate amount of time , effort and resource to developing high-calibre managers .
18 There 's a small band of enthusiasts who devote an enormous amount of time and energy to experimenting with it and who sometimes tend to hail it as the solution to every problem .
19 Cosmologists call the far end of time the c-boundary .
20 In order to prevent the company from being sold beneath the management 's feet , it is essential that the parties agree an exclusive period of time during which the vendor agrees not to negotiate with third parties .
21 But take a little bit of time now to think of a building , or a thing , or a place or an animal or a street Right
22 Although this looks at first to be quite incomprehensible , it is actually quite a friendly little creature and most willing to assist you with either your work or play , as long as you take a short amount of time to learn a few basic commands .
23 Such discussions not only take an inordinate amount of time ( a subtle form of disobedience ) , but they are subversive because they are so rewarding to the child .
24 Given an identical task , any of the nine copies of Oedipus will use the same quantity of resources and spend the same amount of time doing so .
25 After many years , when children no longer need the same amount of time and attention from their parents , many find that their lives are no longer full of interesting social contacts and experiences .
26 These include the relativistic dependence of time on velocity and the strange new features of time in black holes , as well as the ambiguity of direction of time that has emerged in the mathematical description of the interactions of elementary particles .
27 On the whole , radio stations are friendlier places than TV stations and have a good deal of time to fill with non-controversial general interest material .
28 You have a reasonable period of time to decide whether or not to give up your job , but it is not easy to forecast what will be regarded as ‘ reasonable ’ .
29 We usually have a fair bit of time to do it .
30 As I work in the Middle East , I usually only have a short space of time while I 'm home to sort out my musical needs and Colin from my local store , Heads Hands and Feet , has helped me tremendously over the years .
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