Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] be [verb] [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As one church planter has said : ‘ When Jesus comes back , I want to be doing something for God , even if it 's only making mistakes . ’
2 The Yorkshire outfit have been producing some good results in their own division , and have lost only one of their eight league games so far , but we saw the big gulf in scoring power between some of the first and lower division clubs in the county competitions and York look to be facing something of a Mission Impossible .
3 On the face of it , in asserting that Ruritania does not exist we seem to be asserting something about Ruritania .
4 This morning we seem to be having nothing but problems . ’
5 I seem to be doing nothing but making lists of things that need fixing . ’
6 May we try to do something to make other people 's lives happier and easier — even those people who seem to be doing nothing at all to help us .
7 If half the records on a track have to be moved one at a time , and a device revolution is required for each movement , additions can take a great deal of time .
8 And the ideas need to be caught they need to be done something with by the rest of the group .
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