Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [art] [num ord] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These people , I remarked , could pull out of their pockets , thoughtlessly , as much money for a round of drinks as most single parents have to live on for a week ; could pay as much for a few hours ’ sleep as a Third World peasant and his family have to live , or die , on for a year .
2 Michael Slater of The Microprocessor Report believes the P5 will be slower than the R4000a when both appear in the first calendar quarter .
3 There is an informative chapter on new conventional weaponry , and an analysis of the arms race from the Third World viewpoint .
4 But more than 2000 were made and they appear on the second hand market from time to time .
5 Our findings reveal for the first time death rates of babies born before term who survive into late adult life , although duration of gestation was recorded for only half of the men .
6 Copies of the charter were being given out during the rush hour at Darlington but connections proved not to be the best with an hour wait for the next train south .
7 Members of the scheme also benefit from a third party insurance , for a premium of £2 a year .
8 It 's kind of late now and I 'm in no condition to drive so when I get the 205 I only take it as far as the outskirts of Inverness where I stop at the first lit Bed and Breakfast sign I see and talk politely and slowly to the pleasant middle-aged couple from Glasgow who run the place and then say goodnight , close the door of my room and fall fast asleep on the bed without even taking off my jacket .
9 Stop at the next phone box , would you ? ’
10 Stop at the next service station , Julius , and let me out . ’
11 This supposition is , I think , based on the simplistic idea that the natural conditions of language learning through use that obtain in a first language setting and in naturalistic contexts for second language acquisition can be directly replicated in foreign language classrooms .
12 Again , as we launch into the second movement andante ( lots of energy , a real spirit of dance in the ostinato is a mite tasteful , discreet rather than craggily elemental ; so , to a point , is the brawny bass line which spurs us on to stratospheric violins and shining trumpets , though true to form Pešek is wonderfully atmospheric , nurturing and distilling the moments of quiet contemplation just prior to the coda .
13 With Nouveau , Uniplex 's revamped office automation software , set for a first quarter release next year , Uniplex is preparing its resellers and customers for more complex computing environments , like client/server , according to John Humphries , professional services division manager .
14 Measure at the last fret position the distance from the rule to the edge of the neck .
15 Yes it 's great , I mean in the first year lecture on Tuesday erm in the break I gave them in the middle of it the the corridor was like thick with tobacco smoke y'know you could hardly
16 Boxing experts say Bruno , desparate for a third world title challenge , has never been better prepared .
17 Neil Jenkins started the early points rush with a fifth minute penalty , and then converted two tries in the space of two minutes .
18 I suppose in the First World War , I do n't remember an awful lot about it , we wer always seemed to have enough to eat but er I , I think the Second World War whatever there was it was fairly distributed .
19 And I 'm going to talk about , and make do and mend in the second world war .
20 Roll on the next youth day .
21 We go for a second hand suite as well or
22 The fans , having worked up a thirst hurling abuse , if not each other , from the stands , pause on their homeward journeys to take refreshment and , behold , ask for the first brand name that comes to mind .
23 City go into the 117th League derby without a win in them since their 5-1 landslide victory at Maine Road under former manager Mel Machin three years ago .
24 Apply before the first priority period has expired .
25 Erm I turn to the last paragraph motion Mr Chairman .
26 I shook my head and wondered if there was any room spare on the next space shuttle .
27 Go to the Third Eye Centre tomorrow , and you 'll find bed mattresses bolted to the wall , tarred and feathered , and covered in discarded clothes .
28 Often a tape is purchased , with the hypnotist 's voice making new suggestions such as ‘ you will be relaxed at the start of your next race ’ , or ‘ when you reach the half-way point in the race , you will find new energy ’ or ‘ when you go to the next committee meeting , you will not feel dominated by the others , but will feel free to express your views without fear ’ : the applications of this technique are endless .
29 It , it depends on just what these things are for , because if think about a third level document as being something like the T G I manual , that 's got to be mandatory , you 've got no choice in it because it 's not covered in procedures , it 's got to be that .
30 Now most of the camp 's 700,000 yearly visitors , coming from Israel , Germany , America and elsewhere , think of the second world war as the distant past .
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