Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Forget about strolling down to the shops to get a newspaper or sauntering in the park with the family on Sundays .
2 Some German women are up in arms , No thank you , they say to going back to the role of mothers and home builders .
3 Seedlings of Platypodium elegans ( Leguminosae ) also in central America die of damping off as a function of distance from the mother in their first year , when the mortality rate can be up to 81% .
4 They speak of opting out in the primary , secondary and further education sectors ; as for social services , they speak of monitoring and enabling rather than providing .
5 Another thing : You speak of coming here towards the end of April .
6 Everyone develops their own favourite method , but you must be able to run , keeping the board and sail from blowing all over the place .
7 You are all alone ; no one will interfere ; in a college no one helps your studies ( although your best friend may do the opposite and interfere by dropping in for a chat ) .
8 They provide similar network and printer management functions through JetAdmin and JetPrint by plugging directly into the printer 's parallel port but they support a single selectable protocol .
9 After Bidarray there is no call that I know of to stop again before the small town of Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port .
10 If you feel like going completely over the top , why not grow some rhubarb chard near your gaudy cabbages ?
11 Organic farmers believe in putting back into the land what they take out , not starving it of nutrients and piling on the fertilisers .
12 Just concentrate on watching out for the right opportunity to broach the subject of Janice , she reminded herself .
13 VETERANS of England 's last strife-torn Test series in India eight years ago have warned of the dangers and sacrifices that will have to be faced if Lord 's insist on going ahead with an 11-week tour at the end of this month .
14 It 's very amusing , and you 've explained it amusingly to us , but er , there 's a lot of truth , I think in er , what you say and er how can we , er make the best of these unwelcome guests who insist on turning up at the most inopportune times , when we 're trying to enjoy ourselves .
15 Some hotshot parents cheat by calling in at the food store and ordering a gourmet prawn salad for 20 — at a cost of $60 .
16 Officers respond by going immediately to the places suspected to be the most likely sources of the effluent .
17 If the towplane gains speed by flying close to the ground , when it noses up to start climbing , the effect of the wind gradient accentuates the climb so that the glider may easily be left flying close to the ground , in or near the wake and below the tug .
18 She looks real comfy there and I think about sitting down for a bit and watching telly , but I ai n't got nothing to sit on so I just carry on standing up .
19 I think of dashing off to the loo to drink it but I decide to wait .
20 They should have been brought back to see what they do in saving more for the government , and all the extra work they 've caused .
21 • If you make a move that takes you beyond the last circle on the grid , you must count back to complete that move before continuing forward with the next move .
22 In the case of water , higher pressures result in breaking down of the hydrogen bonds which bind the water molecules in ice together in an open structure .
23 Start by thinking back over the experience and selecting a part of it ( a 15 minute period or so ) which was significant or important to you .
24 We start by bringing together in a compact and comparative form the key data for the various groups of intermediaries , in Table 4.3 .
25 The Americans trailed by two sets to Hlasek and Rosset before hitting back for a 6-7 , 6-7 , 7-5 , 6-1 6-2 victory .
26 When you come to doing along on the other side make sure they 're beautiful parallel
27 Why not extend you holiday by staying on for a few nights in Copenhagen ?
28 We shall adopt a small arrow as our notation for assignment in this sense , so that ( 31 ) ( excluding irrelevant details like number , and the particular tense employed ) may be represented as ( 35 ) , where we again abbreviate by passing directly from the word forms to the intensional pattern : We may note , by the way , that the copular verb to be is the direct formal representation of the relation of assignment ; this has to be expressed overtly in English ( as well as being indicated by the order of noun and adjective ) , although in many other languages , e.g. Russian and Arabic , no overt exponent is required .
29 The mother also agreed to place a small plate of Ben 's favourite food ( chunks of cheese and pieces of apple ) in front of him at meal-times but then not to watch him eat by getting on with a job in the kitchen .
30 Unmould for serving on to a heated plate large enough to accommodate the pudding and the sauce that will seep from it .
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