Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] in the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was startling to discover that a race which was identifiably mutant had laws for the suppression of mutations , and he guessed that the origin of cause and principle alike lay somewhere in the lost time of the isolation of Tarvaras from the Empire .
2 A considerable number of Remploy workers do move on to work in open conditions but many remain semi-permanently in the sheltered environment .
3 We sit together in the wooden booth .
4 They must be taught through benevolence and sympathy ; when the necessity arises shame may be used , but fear only in the last extremity , and then ‘ with such delicacy that if possible the habit may not gather strength by the use you are constrained to make of it ’ .
5 On the other hand of course it 's the old old story , it 's like some of the other competitions which we endure rather in the early stages , when you think of the Freight Rover and er one or two others as well .
6 All outputs along the same channel always appear together in the minimal acceptances because we assume that the environment , like occam processes , does not have the power of selective input on a channel .
7 Indeed , only when the drag queen in sparkly dress and football boots and the rent boy in underwear actually appear together in the final scene does the plot get some impetus .
8 Skip outside in the fresh air . ’
9 Coton had made a brilliant save from Speed , again demonstrating his great versatility at right-back , to preserve that advantage and the City goalkeeper , voted No 1 in the League by his fellow professionals , went on to make other important stops from Fairclough and Wallace to thwart a predictable Leeds rally early in the second half .
10 Weeds and shrubs grow rapidly in the damp soils of the site , and it is quite a problem to keep the growth in check each summer .
11 Prices of the funds appear regularly in the Financial Times , etc .
12 Antarctic mosses have survived three years in darkness at -15°C ( conditions that might occur under long-lasting snow-drifts ) and grow readily in the miniature greenhouses that form under thin snow or translucent ice .
13 Italian names appear sporadically in the royal accounts from the end of the 15C .
14 And many of us , I dare say , have tacitly ( perhaps wistfully ) consigned Ruskin 's views to the ash-can of history , along with other Utopian systems put together in the nineteenth century which the desolate history of our own century has made no longer tenable .
15 Can I make a suggestion to you , that I think that if you go through these you will come to the conclusion that there are two ways for doing this and one is that for example the majority of the ones that Stella 's got where she feels she can make the decision it is only going to affect her you come in with it already done , redlined new where you think there is going to be some discussion , you go through , you put together in the same way as Simon has done reasoning around it .
16 Historical circumstances allow us to trace the change from archaic to classical most clearly in Athens , but other cities — Argos , Sicyon , Aegina — figure largely in the literary sources for this period , especially for their artists in bronze , and it is likely that these were prominent in the revolution .
17 Predictably , the smaller building societies figure prominently in the upper echelons of the result tables .
18 Not suprisingly , people in the north-east of the country , where the work ethic and the climate push the pace of life ever upward , reside permanently in the fast lane .
19 But even though Lewis used him for target practice with heavy right crosses and upper-cuts , he could not floor the durable American , who took a standing eight count early in the fourth round .
20 Stainrod contributed the first goal and , after Pat McGinlay had headed Hibs level early in the second half , the player-manager then conjured up two inspired substitutions which brought Dundee victory .
21 Use to fill the pastry cases and bake immediately in the pre-heated oven for 10–12min , until set .
22 I have never experienced an aggressive or bullying rasbora of any species , and they mix well in the peaceful community aquarium , swimming alongside companions from the other side of the world as easily as they integrate with their natural South East Asian cohabitants .
23 Factual conclusions are then made , using the data and findings put forward in the textual discussion .
24 How is the amount to be spent on R&D decided ? is the case for engineering resources put forward in the right way at the right time .
25 Alternative plans put forward in the Scottish Office consultation document on council reform would result in the region either being retained as a single-tier unit or being divided into two or three councils .
26 Clearly , the difference between the original proposals put forward in the White Paper and the final solution in 1977 is enormous .
27 Yeah , but er I had my bath put upstairs in the spare room
28 It is also possible to discern rotary motion within the larger ovals , particularly cloud features which circulate clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the southern hemisphere .
29 They eat more in the Irish Republic ( 23.7kg per capita ) , which is a major beef-exporting country producing 570,000 tonnes per annum but only consuming about 84,000 tonnes at home .
30 He sat with his eyes fixed on great breakers rolling on a coral atoll somewhere in the immense Pacific .
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