Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [adv] as [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Her pride made her speak as formally as he did and always be the one who moved away first .
2 Our hospitals are so short of cash thanks to the shortsightedness of the Government that it 's a wonder hospitals function as well as they do .
3 ‘ If you want to leave , go right ahead , walk as far as you like .
4 Still in their independent reveries they walk closely together as they near the end of the park .
5 Now when the film 's over I 've got one or two more questions to ask you so I want you to watch very carefully and listen very carefully as we go through the film .
6 You can usually carry on with a sport you enjoy so long as you feel comfortable .
7 That is why so many ‘ start up ’ schemes finish as early as they do .
8 By way of contrast members of a moral or rule-based association share nothing other than their recognition of the authority of those practices ; sharers of a common language , for example , may say what they like so long as they comply with the canons of that language .
9 Do what you like so long as you do n't get caught .
10 ‘ You got to keep going when you find 'em , ’ he continued , ‘ the little buggers disappear as fast as they come . ’
11 The real wonder is not that some who profess to believe fall away after continuing so long but that some last as long as they do with as little as they have .
12 ‘ If they succeed as well as they did when they 're not trying to kill you , what might n't they achieve if they decide they do want to ?
13 Barry leant forward and whispered conspiratorially , his breath smelling of mint , ‘ Look , Sergeant , we know as well as you do that Parkin was having it away with Nicola Sharpe .
14 No ’ — he forestalled Cameron 's objection — ‘ you know as well as I do , Angus , the Duke is daft but he is clever , and he has an entry to every house from Atholl to Dunkeld .
15 You know as well as I do that you can not take an animal unless it 's dead and that animal died in the minefield . ’
16 In any case , you know as well as I do that the MDs are always American . ’
17 You have to be punished in some way , and you know as well as I do that your case lacks substance .
18 ‘ You know as well as I do that if she knows about Ari , she 'll want a piece of the action .
19 You know as well as I do that we can too easily by intonation or facial expression or ( the prose equivalent of those signals ) by the precise positioning of a single word in the surrounding thicket of language make the simple statement ‘ I love you ’ mean ‘ I own you , despise you , exploit , deceive or hate you ’ just as the equally plain ‘ I hate you ’ can be picked up as ‘ I fear , envy , respect , despise , own , exploit , deceive or love you , love , love you . ’
20 ‘ You know as well as I do
21 ‘ My dear Kegan , you know as well as I do that you came in on my side of the fence not out of some great disinterested love of science — you do n't know what science is all about ! — but because you saw a hope of personal glory in it !
22 ‘ Not rubbing anything out — you know as well as I do , you 're not allowed to rub anything out . ’
23 ‘ You know as well as I do it 's a damned great industry — and there are plenty of facets to it that never see the light of day .
24 ‘ You know as well as I do , ’ said Loppe , ‘ that when Famagusta surrenders , this island will split into flame like a fireball .
25 You know as well as I do that Rudolfo 's the only one involved who has a house up there .
26 And he was about to add , ‘ But you know as well as I do there 's a reason in both cases , ’ but instead , he said , ‘ Well ! well !
27 ‘ You know as well as I do . ’
28 And just as instinctively lowering his voice , he said again , ‘ You know as well as I do .
29 I have given my third and fourth preferences to candidates who , if not exactly " worthless " , know as well as I do they have no chance of being elected .
30 They sent me to Cambridge for a couple of terms — that 's where I first realized I must run — I do n't want to blaspheme about one of your famous institutions so I sha n't tell you the name of my college though you 're longing to know — the girls in their bed-sitters , the cocoa-drinking , the tittle-tattle , the atmosphere of heartiness or domesticity in the combination-room — But , my dear , it must be getting late and here I am telling you things that you know as well as I do . ’
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