Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 It was startling to discover that a race which was identifiably mutant had laws for the suppression of mutations , and he guessed that the origin of cause and principle alike lay somewhere in the lost time of the isolation of Tarvaras from the Empire .
2 Wings appear externally for the first time and the insect takes on the appearance of an adult .
3 A REVOLUTIONARY new Siberian surgery technique could help people in Teesside suffering from bone problems walk properly for the first time .
4 Now , if we think about actions which might have a beneficial effect on welfare or on conservation , there are some which benefit both at the same time .
5 When you walk you wait there for the first time do n't you ?
6 International : Iran election feeds debate on ‘ Islamic solution ’ Iranians vote today for the first time since Khomeini died .
7 But I 've enjoyed being here , I hope you 've enjoyed it as much as I have , and I look forward to the next time that I 'm sitting in the hot seat ; until then , from me , goodbye .
8 I mean it 's crazy , why do n't they have the conference time at ten o'clock in the morning , and have the conference and everybody go home at a decent time , it 's silly .
9 Many people with HIV stay well for a long time and you would never know they had the virus .
10 I lay there for a long time unhappy and hardly noticing the daily noises of the block assembling round me .
11 I lay there for a long time thinking about that , the loud insistence of the Mexican music from across the way drumming in my ears and gradually merging into the crashing ice of layering floes as my mind drifted into a fantasy of trekking with Iris Sunderby towards the dim outline of an icicle-festooned ghost of a ship , the man at the helm towering like a giant question mark over my jet-lagged brain .
12 A diver absorbing excessive nitrogen must ascend to a designated depth to reduce the pressure and remain there for a specified time for what is known as a ‘ decompression stop . ’
13 If you are scoring the tests yourself , rather than getting the computer to do it for you , then always do so at the same time of day — otherwise there would be variability due to time-of-day effects upon your scoring ability .
14 It is at the larva stage of their development when boring and feeding of the grubs takes place that the damage is caused because the adult beetles do not eat and they live only for a short time .
15 ‘ Sadly , it seems that some young people find it difficult to adjust when they leave home for the first time . ’
16 Seldom , do you see two players play well at the same time .
17 How many seconds will it be before 6 and 12 flash again at the same time ?
18 You go to the most wonderful places , you STAND in Soweto outside Nelson Mandela 's little house and watch him come home for the first time in 25 years .
19 We will help those that we have to help legally , or perhaps those whom people want to help , but we will not have foisted upon us those who come here for a good time and a good life .
20 Her first instinct was to turn and walk straight back to the changing-rooms ; after all , had n't she come here at the one time when she 'd thought David Markham was safely out of the way ?
21 I leap outside into the snow , stand ankle deep in the snow and strain frantically at the same time trying to remember which direction I am pointing so that I can give instructions about where not to get the snow for tomorrow 's tea .
22 Aileen knew how to hold a conversation with twelve people and work hard at the same time .
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