Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The biblical view of knowledge has many dimensions , some of which go far beyond a knowing which is solely related to reasons , but ‘ reason-able ’ knowledge is a basic part of knowing in the Bible .
2 Well than the other the other thing which I think particularly in the last one that we did which was finished back in March , we kept on changing the specification , because it started off such a such and specification and it was going to the Hanover Fair in Germany
3 Well to me when I come home of the Crimean I look at these massive tips you know in Blaenau on your left and the old on the right and that , erm if the old man that first rucked his pick and shovel or whatever trussel and or whatever they started would have known what he was starting then , it was like the Klondike of Wales .
4 Er it 'll all be confirmed in writing and if come forward to the fourteenth they 'll love that .
5 You see there on the common there , there was a colliery was n't there ?
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