Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [verb] [to-vb] at the " in BNC.

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1 Racism just boils down to ruling-class propaganda ; you 've only got to look at the popular Tory press , churning it out day after day , all owned and controlled by capitalists who 've got a direct interest in setting white workers against black and undermining the unity of the working class .
2 You 've only got to look at the history of religion , especially Christianity , to see that at as the guys who went round flagellating themselves also went around killing other people if they did n't believe in the right religion and that unfortunately er happens all too often .
3 You 've only got to look at the table .
4 The city technology colleges , outside local authority control , have also failed to develop at the speed the government hoped for .
5 My nails have recently started to flake at the ends .
6 The Directorate have therefore decided to look at the whole of our service provision on a TEAM basis .
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