Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [verb] [pron] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 It 's ridiculous — I 've only known him for a few weeks .
2 ‘ You 've only known him for a few months ! ’
3 Geoff Butterwick , public transport manager for Suffolk County Council , said : ‘ We 've only had it for a few weeks but it 's already proving useful and I 'm sure it will make life a lot easier .
4 If you 've just joined us for the eight o'clock news , as many people do , welcome .
5 Erm , well I do n't know Wendy , I 'll have to go into that when I , I do n't think they have , I do n't know that they have charged me for , well they 've certainly charged me for the new wiring .
6 Well , I 've got , if you you just bear with me a moment , I still have one foot dragging in H one , but I thought we 'd got to the stage where in order to try and clarify thinking on the matter we ought to progress onto H two , erm , that just let me reveal the thinking , erm that , before I do that can I just say in terms of mechanics those of you who have just joined us for the first time , could you turn your name boards round so I can see them , thank you , and when you want to come in the normal practice is to put your name board on end , so it will attract our attention .
7 I have just done it for the only time in the 23,400,000 minutes of my life so far , and I doubt if I 'll do it again , so call these odds one in 25 million .
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