Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] [verb] [to-vb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Good advertising communicates the right message to the right people at the right time in a way that will interest or amuse them , but above all make them want to buy the product , service , or even " idea " .
2 So , round I went to have a look .
3 I mean I walked to work every Saturday and Sunday no matter what the weather
4 I mean I like to see the nappies flapping on the line .
5 When I dance I try to put a lot of enthusiasm into it . ’
6 ‘ What if I say I want to stay a while longer ? ’ she asked teasingly .
7 Anyway , what knowledge of football d' ya need to manage a bunch of plonkers in the Third Division ?
8 I 'm surprised you did n't come here , but I expect you wanted to keep a façade of respectability .
9 D' you want to see the hens , the dead ones ? ’ said Lee .
10 D' you want to do a pooey .
11 Erm , d' you have to do a picture for the north and south of it , or just one overall picture ?
12 Everybody seems to give a different answer , some say ‘ yes , ’ some say , ‘ no ’ and some say you have to get a licence .
13 But strained through they may be , the last place you expect to see a dust-up between the two protagonists is in Portugal — unless of course you happen to be a historian with a penchant for the Peninsular Wars .
14 ‘ I expect they want to see a bit of night life , ’ said Sister Dew .
15 The institutions say they intend to raise the equity weighting in their portfolios from under 10% to perhaps 15% by the mid-1990s .
16 Thames Water , who built the plant , say they had to spend the money to stay within European law , money which is ultimately paid by their customers .
17 Police say they had to enforce the law after 1am when the clocks went forward an hour .
18 Considering the success of Flexible Friends , its a bit strange that Wild Country say they need to develop a twin wire camming device .
19 Government officials say they aim to reform the economy gradually while shielding the country 's ten million people from the pain of full-blooded ‘ shock therapy ’ as attempted in Russia and elsewhere .
20 All the members of the Forum say they want to avoid a split at this month 's conference ; but most now reckon a split is unavoidable .
21 We 've got there interest they come they 've seen they 've seen how the theatre works let them come to see the theatre working .
22 After struggling with one of Ruth 's imaginative scenes , I was so relieved when Basil let me attempt to paint a spray of wheat and barley stalks that I almost began to enjoy myself when he made some encouraging remark about my very tentative effort !
23 Let me try to put the point .
24 Let me try to summarise the point we have arrived at in describing this now complex relationship .
25 To work out whether you can get benefit you need to follow the steps below , which are then explained .
26 ‘ I hope you remembered to bring a tin-opener , ’ said Sophia , in confusion , for the idea of taking food to the deprived Roman cats had set up in her head a muddled train of thought , which had something to do with Anglo- and Roman Catholicism , as if the latter had need of nourishment from the former .
27 Cause you have to put a lot of cream on your face to get the make up off and you do that especially if you 're doing two performances a day it 's an awful lot mess and much you 're putting on your face and you ca n't get it all off
28 Shall I show you some of the pieces and let you try to guess the rules ?
29 Maria made a tiny whimpering sound as Luke moved a hand to the tautness of one high breast and then let it drop to rest a moment on her lap .
30 He says in the autobiography erm my view was that every president was a and this was a famous phrase every president was a steward of the people , a steward of the people , bound actively and affirmatively to do all he could for the people and not to content himself with the negative merit of keeping his talents undamaged in a napkin curious turn of phrase I decline he says to adopt the view that what is imperatively necessary for the nation can not be done unless the president can find some specific authorization to do it in the constitution .
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