Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Act actually says that we 're concerned with children who have learning difficulties , which calls for special education provision , and to be more specific they refer to children who have greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of that age , or disabilities which prevent or hinder them making use of the educational facilities generally provided .
2 Parents are extremely keen to have their children admitted to the college because they want them to take advantage of the excellent education that it offers .
3 I know people get tired of appeals , but I urge them to organise fundraising for the echo-cardiograph equipment as undoubtedly a great number of people will follow me through the coronary unit and the machine will surely be of great help to them .
4 We urge you to suspend censorship of the media and refrain from all other repressive measures that inhibit the free flow of information and the practice of independent journalism .
5 I expect they made love with the lights out .
6 But senior officers say they need help from the rural community .
7 David and wife Carol who run a food and tourism business say they face ruin over the pipeline plans .
8 But lots of people travel in the snow-washed variety — especially cocky skiers who say they wear denim on the slopes because they never fall over .
9 Social disintegrationists will be surprised to hear a group of typical 16–17-year-olds say they have confidence in the police and believe the courts should be tougher on offenders .
10 You want us to lie east of the forest with the fire in our faces and cut off Siward if he tries to make his escape .
11 Do n't let us lost a year , if we let them use turmoil in the industry as an excuse for not meeting us , we will never sit round a table with them again .
12 Let me find favour in the sight of my lord . ’
13 The church has a mission ; let it provide money for the mission .
14 If the London Bureau can only provide circumstantial evidence , let us head north of the border to Edinburgh University and the chair of Britain 's first Professor of Parapsychology .
15 Let us rest content for the moment with this definition of public law , and ask why a distinction is drawn between public and private law .
16 " Let us have tea on the lawn again ! " shouted the Collector from the window , but no one paid any attention to him .
17 Let us imagine boxing without the masculinity .
18 Let us take stock of the argument so far .
19 At this point let us take stock of the limitations we have put on our research .
20 What can stop us — stop us establishing control from the Pacific coast to the Urals — especially with the help of Angel ? ’
21 You just insist you have access to the books at any time or you send your accountant in to check .
22 IN THE MARCH issue of Yorkshire Relish we made reference to the White House School of Beauty in Huddersfield .
23 They have given each guest a limited-edition Disney sweatshirt and insisted that they wear it to gain entry to the gala performance .
24 I know you review stuff from the ‘ economy ’ end of the market but to the guitar player 's complex psychology , anything they can afford ca n't be that good .
25 So of course having pulled it out the the cord is attached with two very thick nails , and you can pull those nails out , and then get you leave go of the cord .
26 Have the bowman on the front of the boat and get him to indicate distance to the line with his fingers .
27 After considering the mystery of creation , the Psalmist writes of man : ‘ Thou madest him to have domination over the works of thy hands ; thou hast put all things under his feet . ’
28 Oh he might be away for thre , cos I know he had golf at the Belfry this week , and then when he comes back he 's being picked up by a car to take him to the Belfry again , cos we 're entertaining there for a weekend 's golf .
29 As well as gills , Bichirs have paired air bladders , which allow them to breathe air from the surface of the water .
30 She wore high platform-soled black shoes that I still believe I heard click on the bright polished floor as she walked between her looms .
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