Example sentences of "[vb base] [be] [verb] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Richmond 's complaint is based on what they say was shown up by the video .
2 One of them bears a close anatomical resemblance to the marble copies we have after the bronze statues of the Tyrannicides by Kritios and Nesiotes which we know were set up in the Agora , the city centre north-west of the Acropolis , in 477 .
3 All I remember is waking up in a prison cell with a colossal headache . ’
4 So I told them what I would do , but once again I 've never been in the situation but this is what I 'll do , said as if they were me own parents make them as comfortable as I could while I 'll cleaned up and give them a bed bath or if they could shower , shower them and erm and get everything back to normal as quick as possible , fine , that were all fine she , and then as , as I got up from it they all said thanks a lot Joy it has been great you really have been great you 've made it easy , we 've got an easy day in front thanks to you , you know you 're bubbly and all this and then when she phoned me on the Sunday she said hello Joy it 's Sue here and I , I said will you let me know one way or the another cos I said I hate being left up in the air
5 A check-list that would make a modern bird-watcher salivate was served up on the Elizabethan menu : ‘ the-food of heroes , fit for the palates of the great ’ , as Camden describes pewits , godwits , knot , and dotterel .
6 They 're just doing us out of money that we 've been saving up over the years .
7 I 've been saving up towards a Christmas food hamper all year and now it 's arrived I 'm very disappointed with it .
8 ‘ I 've been catching up on the week 's news , and who do I find hitting the headlines yet again ? ’
9 ‘ Never , but I 've been reading up on the history . ’
10 ‘ I 've been fed up for the last few years and people have been telling me I am in danger of wasting my time .
11 ‘ Of course , all the islands are volcanic in the sense that they 've been thrown up from the depths by submarine upheavals thousands of years ago ; but only one of them 's got a crater .
12 ‘ I 've been stitched up by the Richardson gang ’
13 Now I do n't know if you 've been brought up on a diet of men who jump in and out of bed with whatever women take their fancy , but if you have then I suggest you go find one of them to satiate your appetite .
14 Oh I do , I do and my mates is on er , of course they 've been brought up with the metric system you see and he 's
15 But it 's difficult to remember things like that when you 've been brought up in a village and you 're used to chatting to everyone you meet .
16 ‘ Well , I 've been brought up in a good school these last few years , do n't you think ?
17 You 've been brought up in a television age and you 've been particularly been brought up in an age of card cartoons and soap operas and in all of those you would er expect to see good being oppressed that 's part of the plot in every cartoon there is a plot in every soap opera , that the good the good people actually end up in difficult situations and the way that results in the cartoons and in the soap operas is usually find revenge or punishment .
18 Your background , your pedigree , yes you you you 've been brought up in a , possibly your fa your your parents , they 've taught you the right way , they are thrilled pieces , or they were if if they ma , they may well have been de dead by that time , but they were thrilled to pieces when you as a pharisee became a teacher , and a ruler , a leader amongst your people !
19 He has sympathy for the small scale dealers : ‘ They 've been brought up in an entrepreneurial country under Thatcher where they 've been taught to make money .
20 The two men , who 've been waiting up to a year for treatment , are both muslims .
21 There 's nothing worse than setting off on a day 's walking after a cold sleepless night when you feel as though you 've been trussed up in a straight jacket .
22 He takes yachts from wherever they 've been laid up for the winter to their summer cruising grounds . ’
23 ‘ Unfortunately , we 've been caught up in the crossfire and we 've had people on to us saying they 'll never smoke Camel cigarettes again .
24 What I really love about these guitars — the 12-strings especially — is that they 've been set up with the lowest , most buzz-free actions imaginable .
25 Yes and then they 've were forked up in the carts , what the bogeys are nowadays , and then they would have made stacks and stack yet .
26 Daily maintenance consists merely of giving the walls and floor of the pond a once-over with a soft-bristled broom , to keep down blanketweed : suspended matter is then whisked away to both filters , and what they miss is picked up by the skimmer .
27 ‘ The C & D category societies ( the smallest ) have picked up a lot of savings business by offering high interest rates , but that money has to be lent out and the sort of mortgage business they have been picking up at the rates they charge looks very doubtful to me .
28 The chemical industry 's efforts to secure insurance have been stepped up following the publication of a number of European directives suggesting a move towards much wider compulsory compensation for environmental damage .
29 ENVIRONMENTAL monitoring on beaches at Sellafield have been stepped up following the discovery of a grass-like substance .
30 ( The PPP figures have been scaled up from the World Bank 's 1990 figures . )
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