Example sentences of "[vb base] [be] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Well , you 're sitting looking very smart here in a suit , which I suspect is made out of organic fibres and the tie , which I suspect is made out or artificial organic fibres , and the shirt looks remarkably artificial too .
2 But we know are going on to double shift on Monday
3 POLICE pay is going up by 6.5 per cent — well above the inflation rate — under a deal confirmed last night by Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke .
4 But in the end , at that last hour , it comes down to the 15 and everything we do is focused down on that last hour . ’
5 To help ourselves we have not ignored the nostalgia trend , however , for we 've been glancing back at nineteen eighty two to guess what we think will be the most significant arts ideas for nineteen eighty three .
6 Well that 's the been the problem issue we 've been struggling through on that basis
7 on an underground train which could n't decide if it 's going to move or not , it did eventually move I got a taxi at one point and I was so sick and tired and they put me outside Liberties , I gave the man a twenty pound note and he gave me change for a ten yes , coming back from Oxford Circus from Liberty 's , I thought I 'd better economise , I 've been done out of ten pounds , I do n't think it was dishonesty I think it was just sheer muddle , I , I 'm ten pounds down , I 'm must cut down a bit , so I will come back underground from Oxford Circus to Waterloo to get down to and you 've guessed it , I got into an , an underground train which would not move , it simply stuck , and it would go chugga , chugga , chugga , chugga , chugga , then it would stop in the tunnel for a while , while its .
8 We also did a very important er , technology transfer to Czechoslovakia , which er , unsubmersible pump neck technology and that 's tended to , to erm , hide a slight delcl er decline in the last quarter of the year , normally in oil most of the profit or more of the profit comes in the second half than the first , but with the Gulf War last year oil prices were pretty firm and er , so we 've made er , quite reasonable profits in the , in the er , first half and so too in the second half , but in the last quarter they 've been showed up by that technology er , transfer and the er , U S oil price is er , is , is er stag the U K's is stagnant , the U S is stagnant in oil and the gas prices are very , very far down , they 're well down .
9 ‘ I 've been hosed down with cold water while standing naked in the snow , ’ said one man .
10 Yes , by the way I 'm gon na be able to see Max , I 'll tell you that now because I 've been dragged off to another conference , I 'm actually going down to the , to the rehabilitation workers ' phones
11 ‘ I guess I 've been getting back on that horse ever since . ’
12 Cos they 've been building up like that and they 're bound to fall down .
13 ‘ I 've been racing around for most of the day .
14 Local residents in Wootton have become increasingly worried that high-intensity paint spraying will bring unpleasant smells and health hazards to the area , and they 've been backed up by local M P , John Patten as well as the Vale of White Horse District Council , whose planning committee have voted to stop Hartwells expanding their Wootton site into what they described as an industrial park .
15 So then Berndt and the old witch will know I 'm as smart as they do n't want me to be , AND that I 've been poking around in high-security files .
16 " Well , I 've been sitting up with one of my best sows .
17 I 'm not , I 've been sitting down for half an hour .
18 We 've been going on like that for six to eight weeks now .
19 We 've been going on like this for months .
20 ‘ I saw that sort you 've been knocking about with last night .
21 I 've been left out of previous games , so I just took the disappointment with me .
22 I find that is the situation that I 've tried to er , guard against with the budget that we 've been put in on this occasion , and I hope that answers er , er , Mr but er , I 'll answer any other questions that are put up .
23 She said people receiving the letter should not worry that they have been singled out for any genuine reason .
24 He is particularly interested in the various features of childhood experiences that have been singled out by different theorists as the important determinants of adult personality : feeding regimes , toilet training , parental warmth , permissiveness and so on .
25 The location holds little promise , the time slot is unlikely , yet for over two years now the Sunday afternoon sessions at the Queens Club near Slough have been packed out with those who just ca n't stop after Saturday night .
26 Free sparring accustoms beginners to being attacked and teaches them how to handle certain situations using the techniques they have been taught up to that stage .
27 By 8am they have been joined by over 50 more , and at least 80 vehicles .
28 The Chinese have been inching back towards economic reform .
29 Reports that reached Amnesty International in September and October indicated that more than 2,000 people , many of them civilians , have been rounded up in southern cities and towns and transferred to unknown destinations .
30 The salaries of senior directors have been rising by between 20 per cent and 30 per cent over the last year and the trend shows little sign of slowing .
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