Example sentences of "[vb base] [be] [verb] for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We are reminded that the romance we seek is constructed for the outsider .
2 Siegfried , I do n't know what you 'll think , but I 've been recommended for the MC — and I 've recommended every single NCO who was with me .
3 ‘ I 've been excused for the moment .
4 We 've been waiting for the knight in shining armour and then there is n't one .
5 I 've been waiting for the battery to run down .
6 Realistically , I 've been applying for the sort of job that will pay me enough money to keep me going when I retire .
7 They 've been bought for the fact that all over the country there 's all these holes in the wall and people are putting up shelves , building furniture or whatever .
8 ARRANGEMENTS have been completed for the sale of the Adidas sporting goods company to Robert Louis-Dreyfus , the chief executive of Saatchi & Saatchi , and allied French investors , a French business paper reported yesterday .
9 ( The reformulations have been italicised for the purpose of the present discussion ) .
10 Contracts have been arranged for the supply from other parts of BAe to enable the new company to operate autonomously .
11 And over 3,400 gun owners have been prosecuted for the loss of firearms through negligence .
12 Various psychological tests have been devised for the purpose of diagnosing the presence or absence of logical ability but agreement on the relevant criteria has been difficult to reach .
13 Special air-drying techniques using extended room temperature hypotonic treatments , or shorter hypotonic treatments at higher temperatures , have been devised for the production of extended pachytene chromosomes which can be used for mapping of individual bivalents ( 10–13 ) .
14 Three more people have been prepared for the surgery , which involves implanting electrodes into the inner ear .
15 Forms have been prepared for the assessment process , and amendments to the Client Index to support needs assessment are about to be commissioned .
16 These guidelines have been prepared for the information and guidance of staff in centres preparing and offering the National Certificate in Travel , and should be read in conjunction with the module descriptors .
17 PREPED Approval listings have been prepared for the package which has been requested for approval .
18 Costs from more routine accidents build up , and it is these sorts of accidents which have been costed for the HSE study .
19 Some pits have been reprieved for the time being , but the closure programme may simply be delayed , the price of buying off political defeat being a £500 million subsidy over the next two years .
20 In addition , rates have been increased for the minority of our policyholders who live in the larger cities because of the soaring number of thefts there .
21 It is the second time the policemen have been sentenced for the murder of Nahaman , who died on 4 March 1990 as a result of beatings they inflicted .
22 As yet no firm offers have been received for the site
23 Dozens of street musicians have been competing for the title of Britain 's best busker .
24 Brewers have been competing for the title of Best British Beer at the industry 's own version of the Oscars .
25 Farmworkers have been competing for the title of Britain 's best ploughman , and a place in the world finals in New Zealand .
26 Stable buildings at the rear of the Manor House have been converted for the display of reptiles , amphibians and fishes .
27 Two further reasons have been given for the establishment of government-owned newspapers or for the taking over of existing privately owned ones .
28 In Britain , cases have been argued for the existence of estates in the Fens and around Salisbury Plain and Cranborne Chase , while the inscription from the ‘ villa ’ at Combe Down near Bath provides irrefutable proof .
29 The duke presented certificates to the first 16 volunteers who have been trained for the scheme .
30 Stretches of road such as Mersea Road , Colchester , have been selected for the installation of the cameras which can record the registration number of speeding motorists and could lead to fines .
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