Example sentences of "[vb base] [be] [verb] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 An important aspect of Piaget 's approach is his claim that , since children the world over are very similar physiologically and neurologically , and since the world they explore is regulated by the same laws of nature , progress , in terms of their ability to make sense of the world , will be broadly consistent across all children .
2 Well I think there is , there are n't many problem with the trained people because they 've been trained in the same areas as oneself and therefore understand what you 're on about .
3 There is magnetism in romantic gestures that make you forget you 've been standing in the same place for half the day , that there is not a child in the house washed and you never got flowers from your 's truly .
4 Once you 've been going to the same shops a lot , y'know , just standing around and not buying anything , they get to know you .
5 And over the years if you 've been working with the same partner
6 ‘ Well , ’ he said disarmingly , ‘ I may be the devil , but I do n't drink and I 've been married to the same woman for 40 years , so I ca n't be that bad . ’
7 I 've spoken to quite a few small businessmen who have been affected in the same way .
8 Since Rome has been continuously inhabited ever since , and as Medieval , Renaissance and Modern cities have been built on the same site , very little is left of any of these fora except the excavated site and fragments of buildings .
9 to the extent to which regard should be had to the range of awards in other cases which are comparable such cases should as a rule be those which have been determined in the same jurisdiction or in a neighbouring locality where similar social , economic and industrial conditions exist .
10 Even horses that are full brothers or sisters , and have been handled by the same people in the same conditions all their lives , can be very different not only in looks but also in personality .
11 Two other garages have been hit by the same man in just 6 days and a police helicopter is on standby to track him next time he strikes .
12 The Bavaria brand bottles and Royal Dutch Post Horn Lagers , which are both sold mostly in corner shop off-licences , have been hit by the same problem affecting Heineken Export Lager .
13 Whether you have just moved into a new home or have been living in the same place for years the main thing is that you are alone and you must make your home your pride , your joy , your sanctuary .
14 I have been living in the same bungalow now for 10 years , and it seems no easier now than it was 10 years ago to find staff .
15 Two building societies and a bank have been robbed by the same man in less than three hours .
16 There are other arguments that have been made along the same general lines , to the effect that to capture regular processes ( e.g. syntactic regularities ) one must refer to pragmatic concepts ( see e.g. Ross , 1975 ) , arguments that will arise from time to time in the Chapters below .
17 It features beautiful and accurate facsimiles of the treasures of Tutankhamun , including the famous gold burial mask , specially produced for the Exhibition , many of which have been made from the same materials and in the same way as the originals .
18 Since April 1989 , people in board-and-lodging accommodation have been treated in the same way as most other recipients of income support .
19 Die studies become even more useful when , as often happens , two coins have been struck from the same die on one side but a different one on the other side .
20 The wader passage in spring and autumn is also outstanding ; on several occasions nineteen species of wader have been recorded on the same day .
21 At least two mosaics have been recorded in the same area ; mosaics are generally rare in small towns , and consequently these have considerable significance .
22 Newley and I have been bidding for the same things for years . ’
23 If several actions have been performed by the same people then , if the sentences describing the events are active , the same subject will have to be repeated , e.g. :
24 What safeguards have been taken against the same thing happening in Scotland ?
25 England have been drawn in the same pool as Pakistan , the host nation , for next February 's World Cup in Lahore .
26 They have been drawn in the same group , along with Steve Dorking , the England No.9 .
27 Scotland have been drawn in the same section as Ireland and Wales and are looking to go forward to a promotion play-off with the winners of a section involving Germany , Austria and Norway .
28 To give a harmonious look to the room , the living and dining areas have been decorated in the same style .
29 The effect is strikingly original and so successful that several more rooms have been decorated in the same way .
30 Indeed if both the missile and its antidote have been improving at the same rate , we can expect that the latest , most advanced and sophisticated versions , and the earliest , most primitive and simplest versions will be exactly as successful as each other , against their contemporary counter-devices .
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