Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] a [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Medau teachers qualify through a nationally recognised examination following the thorough part-time training
2 Although the tyranny of ‘ promotion examinations ’ has mercifully decreased in the past decade , in many countries yearly and termly examinations and preparation for them account for a quite disproportionate amount of school time and teachers are virtually ignorant of how and why and when to test .
3 Following the Seveso incident , strict EEC legislation has virtually eliminated the possibility of similar accidents which account for a relatively small component of overall exposure .
4 Such bids are regularly submitted but only account for a very small amount of stock allotted .
5 The four broad types I have mentioned account for a very large proportion of governmental activity , but each could be divided up into a number of smaller functions .
6 Launch failures account for a very high proportion of gliding accidents , making cable break practice a very important aspect of glider training .
7 However , lengthy and complex consultative committees can hinder revision and make for a slowly changing scheme .
8 Walls in dark , warm colours , with rich fitted carpets or traditional rugs make for a quietly splendid effect .
9 They get the argument out of a tight corner , and make for a less fatalistic scenario .
10 Small numbers combined with attractive hospitality make for a highly sympathetic approach and partners are encouraged to attend together .
11 Well executed joiner work and solid timber nicely matched with face veneers of bulkheads make for a very pleasant ambience in the saloon .
12 Large leaps make for a very jagged contour , and the total-chromatic is fairly evenly spread , though there is an occasional recurrence of small note-groups .
13 In fact it seems to this reviewer that Quinton 's framework offers essential support for Eccleshall 's vision of Conservatism , in that the axioms Quinton describes provide for a specifically Conservative conception of political authority and social discipline .
14 WHEN your car wo n't go you send for a very nice man from the breakdown services — but what do you do if something 's not quite right in your £1.85 billion reprocessing plant ?
15 It was not until 1957 that Dement and Kleitman identified " emergent Stage I " sleep as a completely distinct stage of sleep from other light sleep stages , always accompanied by rapid eye movements , and frequently by reports of dreaming .
16 Signs of a policy shift towards a more protectionist approach have already been detected .
17 Cook under a moderately hot grill for about 10 minutes .
18 5 Sprinkle with the sugar and place under a very hot grill for 3–4 minutes until the sugar caramelises .
19 Cover with buttered paper and a lid , and cook in a very slow oven , gas no. 1 , 290°F. , for about 2 hours .
20 Immediately on his return from Gosol , while Gertrude Stein was still in Italy , he repainted the face , using the conventions of Iberian sculpture , although , since he was anxious to achieve a likeness , they appear in a slightly modified form .
21 Shot through with sermonising , piety , and concern for good government , they are ostensibly valuable sources on the law- giving activities of these kings , who appear in a very favourable light .
22 This skilfully manipulates alliteration and rhyme in a humorously wry acknowledgement of the archetypally human facility for putting off that effort of intellectual and emotional energy involved in recognising and acting on the truth .
23 I eased the cork out of the bottle very quietly , as if I was a maître d' in a very posh restaurant .
24 Sometimes I 'd stamp my foot and cry in a completely feminine burst of frustration and he 'd stand bewildered , pleading ignorance and apologising .
25 And a lifetime of line-ups by the sound of things , I say in a rather low voice .
26 Hiding from self and hiding from others interact in a particularly unfortunate way .
27 The different dimensions of conflict overlap and interact in a sometimes bewildering variety of ways .
28 We are ‘ pluralists ’ in that we recognize that a large number of varied elements ( including a variety of interest groups with greater or lesser power ) are involved in the penal system and its crisis , and that these elements interact in a highly complex manner .
29 His first ‘ law of penal evolution ’ was a two-pronged ‘ law of quantitative change ’ : ‘ The intensity of punishment is the greater the more closely societies approximate to a less developed type — and the more the central power assumes an absolute character ’ ( Durkheim , 1973 : 295 ) .
30 The self-deception that we can , from our late twentieth-century perspective , in any way approximate to a genuinely eighteenth-century response to Mozart is only compounded by what Osborne sees as the false claims of the authenticity movement .
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