Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [art] same [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A test performed at a reputable clinic — and found to be positive — is checked by doing further test on the same sample using different methods to detect HIV antibodies .
2 Erm , he did have the right to that trial for erm what the previous offence before taking conveyance which was a clock taken without the owner 's consent and previous offence before that taking but in order to reduce costs right mainly because they also want at the same time to remove the right for theft ah and they failed .
3 Listen to the same story told in different versions or by different people .
4 I look in the same direction to account for the charming note ‘ Granovsky has got a bit out of hand ’ .
5 Multiple record buckets can not be handled in this way , as groups of records that randomize to the same bucket do not generally have anything else in common , so that the whole bucket has to be searched to see if the desired record is in it .
6 Therefore we would expect a forward contract and a financial futures contract with the same specifications to have the same price .
7 All of these treatments , however , suffer from the same inability to reach tumour outside the bowel wall .
8 Thereafter would it not be possible to from groups of say eight people who live in the same area to cope with the tea ?
9 Participation could perhaps be increased if the event is planned beforehand ; for example , it might be an advantage if groups of children who all live in the same area arranged to meet and cycle to school together .
10 The fact that a wide number of manufacturers work to the same pattern means that the caterer who is topping up need not return to the same source for the top-up .
11 I have at the same time suggested that Benjamin 's own aesthetics were very much a postmodernist aesthetics .
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