Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [art] first [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Sleep spindles develop during the first two months of life , varying in frequency between 10 and 4Hz although showing no systematic tendency to increase in frequency with age ( as is the case with the waking alpha rhythm , which progressively becomes faster with age , to reach a maximum of 10–11Hz ) .
2 There was also still a feeling in the Hollywood colony that as he had established himself as a star he should not play an unattractive character , and , what is more , he would only be the second lead and not appear for the first twenty minutes .
3 So just skim through the first ten lines then eleven to the end really concentrate on .
4 All appear in the first eight lines :
5 Some fungi succumb to the first heavy frosts , but there are others which seem to thrive in cold , wet weather .
6 The causes of this are not entirely clear , but were probably a combination of the increasing costs of warfare ( as the empire came under severe pressure from the barbarians across the Rhine and Danube , and from the Persians in the east ) and of the exhaustion of the Roman mines in Spain , which seem for the first two centuries AD to have provided an important contribution to the difference between Rome 's income ( taxes ) and expenditure ( especially on war ) .
7 Now if you look at the first four figures there , does anybody want to have a guess at what those first four figures mean ?
8 Do the new words figure in exercises ? 13 Look at the first two lessons for phonological features .
9 On the way in we look at the first five tables — if we do n't spot anyone , if we do n't get told about anything happening , we politely disappear after 20 minutes or so . ’
10 It 's a frustrating affair though — do n't think for a second that you can breeze through this game ; think yourself lucky if you get past the first few levels !
11 If you make the same mistake , er , you have to buy another set , and I double the price for people who have heard me say do n't do this , er , and lie low , you know in the first three months , because I believe in penalising stupidity .
12 The first is his education : we find in the first two books of The Prelude those experiences which Wordsworth regarded as formative .
13 Yes , go through the first five minutes , there were all different tasks , erm , at first , the girls were making up a basic jingle that would be about thirty seconds , and everyone else was looking through to see what words they should use .
14 In King 's Lynn , Norfolk , 12 orthopaedic beds plus a small ward have closed and operating sessions are being reduced after a £238,000 overspend in the first five months of the financial year .
15 Design right lasts for 15 years from the end of the calendar year in which it was first recorded in a design document ( which includes storage in a computer ) or an article was made to the design , unless articles have been made available for sale or hire within the first five years in which case the right lasts only a further 10 years .
16 This dispirited the French at the moment their fortunes were improving , and their problems were exacerbated when Hastings added his third penalty and his second try in the first 10 minutes of the second half .
17 What you do for the first two years is you learn all the theory of being a doctor and you go and you have to between eight of you , learn all about a body you have one body between of you and you learn all about all the muscles and the nerves
18 In addition , opportunities exist during the first two years of the course to study further subjects which can include an additional Community language if students so wish .
19 But the development of a child 's body and mind in the first three years of life is absolutely vital — any stunting of growth in these years can not be made up for in later life .
20 Such expansion in a small business is particularly dangerous at this stage of its development in terms of potential survival given the number of small firms that fail in the first two years .
21 Of course often they also fall into the first two categories mentioned , but it seems that household membership operates separately in relation to giving assistance , so that a particular child who shares a home with their parent is much more likely to be giving personal care than their siblings .
22 We have 1000 bottles of Selsun Soft Conditioner to give away free to the first 1000 readers whose names and addresses are drawn from the postbag after October 31 1989 .
23 Between 3 and 11% of patients will develop sustained ventricular arrhythmias following MI and 50% of these occur within the first 48 hours , and if not associated with further ischaemia , pump failure or multivessel disease they carry a good prognosis .
24 ‘ I just hope I can keep shooting birdies like I have in the first two rounds . ’
25 About two thirds of infections occur in the first five days and more than half of these are apparent at birth .
26 In fact , most of the women who describe themselves as housewives do so very early in the test ; twenty of the twenty-five ‘ I am a housewife ’ statements occur in the first two places .
27 How else can you claim the insurance cover the certificate offers on all defects which occur in the first two years , and structural defects up to ten years ?
28 Our inability to standardise the timing of the initial packed cell volume is unfortunate as large changes in plasma volume occur in the first few hours of life .
29 This has made farmers think about changing the amount of money they spend on the first two inputs , shown at X on the diagram .
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