Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [art] [noun pl] on the " in BNC.

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1 But , as they say in the ads on the telly , I knew a man who did .
2 put in the bits on the dots .
3 And that 's then when you put on the dollies on the top
4 Largely because of their native climate and sparse grazing , they are small animals standing perhaps 100–110cm at the withers on the islands and weighing 300–350kg , but in improved mainland environments they reach 116–122cm and can weigh 50 per cent more than the island cattle .
5 Go right and push the crate onto the button , go up on the lift and to the left , push the crate off the edge of the platform , go up on the lift and right , climb up six platforms and push the crate left , fall left and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , jump onto the ledges on the wall and go up , go right , up , left , up , push the crate right , fall down , push the crate right into the button , go right and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , drop down to the stationary lift , go left then up , push the crate down , right , right , left , right and right onto the button .
6 The local stone here is gritstone , much of it brought down I suspect from the quarries on the flanks of Penhill , and on a summer 's evening , when the children are playing on the swings and people are sat talking quietly in the dying sunlight outside the pub while an old dog wanders across the green sniffing his way towards the children , then , when every building is tinted with amber and the gardens are heavy with blooms , it could well be said to be " t'prattiest lal spot i't'Dales " .
7 In conclusion , I feel that the basic things which happen to the boys on the island would apply to girls also but would come about in a way both more slow and less physically violent , yet I have an idea that the scars left on the minds of girls who have been on an island together in Lord of the Flies circumstances may well be deeper and longer-lasting than those of boys in the same situation .
8 Sit downwind , of course , but be aware that wind often swirls in woodland clearings , so look at the leaves on the tops of the trees to make sure you are not being misled by the wind direction at ground level .
9 Look at the sections on the form of the interview from both points of view ( pp. 44 and 94 ) to see the shape the interview is normally expected to take .
10 Next time you go shopping , look at the tags on the items you buy .
11 Look at the pictures on the page opposite .
12 At the crossing under the dome the walls bulge into the side chapels ; look at the saints on the piers of the crossing , including St Gregory and St Basil .
13 What is more , even when the valves of a really large specimen are fully closed , they only meet at the spikes on the edge .
14 The difficulties of accounting precisely for how readers of the play text get from the words on the page to judgements concerning the " personalities " of characters are overcome , to some extent , by the analysis of their conversational behaviour and using the powerful interpretative apparatus of discourse analysis and pragmatics to this end .
15 Certainly , in her classroom , sex was the topic on which she knew their vocabulary to be widest , in spite of the fact that it did n't receive the level of attention she insisted they devote to the subjects on the curriculum .
16 And I stare at the handprints on the ceiling .
17 I hold my shivering knees and stare at the shadows on the walls .
18 Fine white roots develop from the nodes on the stems .
19 At night we sit in the cafés on the front , people come and go , there is an excited bustle …
20 ‘ Sometimes we talk to the operators on the American and British submarines .
21 you go over the clubs on the other side we used to go up
22 Two of the principal games manufacturers respond to the criticisms on the World in Action programme .
23 Poking around with sticks , they hold up promising finds to examine them , while eerie shadows move between the fires on the black tip .
24 Golden brown algae , known as diatoms , live in the sands on the north shore of Cape Cod .
25 Serve with the frankfurters on the side .
26 The results for the year are presented using the new accounting standard , FRS3 , and to show how these relate to the results on the previous format , full details are presented in the financial review .
27 And when you come to the lines on the right hand side , you have two views of the future , which are labelled eighty five based and eighty nine based .
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