Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Prune by cutting off the old flowered growth immediately after flowering , when it will produce good new shoots .
2 Encourage all those who act as advocates for the oppressed within our society and who seek to channel political power into the cause of justice for everyone .
3 When we speak of budgeting in the public sector we are not referring to the Chancellor of the Exchequer 's spring Budget statement .
4 This scheme is a great success as our trainees benefit from learning in a real working environment .
5 The Hammersmith & Fulham Group recommends that the change in Amnesty 's Mandate , extending the right of conscientious objection to include members of the armed forces who object to serving in a particular war , ‘ be rescinded ’ .
6 Beware of resorting to a visual aid because it seems to look impressive .
7 Not all the teachers look on tutoring as an unmixed blessing .
8 We begin by looking at the negative emotions .
9 Tonight we start a series on architectural follies around the region.A folly is a building with no special purpose … often built at the whim of a wealthy landowner.We begin by peering into a concrete grotto … and touring some mock medieval cloisters , all built in the 1930s by the man who invented reflective road signs .
10 ‘ But they will have no experience of running pubs and I know from talking to the local bench that licensing magistrates are concerned at the standard of new licensees . ’
11 For that is how they are supposed to function , that is how they publicly claim that they attempt to function , and , as we shall see below , that is the normal way to justify their authority ( i.e. not by assuming that they always succeed in acting in the ideal way , but on the ground that they do so often enough to justify their power ) , and naturally authorities are judged and their performance evaluated by comparing them to the ideal .
12 Shifting funds to primary care under the existing system will create some new opportunities , but only if general practitioners succeed in relating to a new managed system .
13 The fundamental question proved to be this : can the job creation and training schemes for West Belfast succeed in turning round the economic marginalisation and discrimination which the area has traditionally experienced ?
14 Did they big mooths next door huv tae clipe about the topless gogo dancing in the Albany ?
15 Not so , as last week 's pro-blood sports advertisement in the Daily Telegraph ( talk about preaching to the converted ) amply proved .
16 What I talk about relates to the global image of what Good News means , ’ Mr McKay said .
17 Ideally , we should feel as comfortable working with logged GNP per capita or life expectancy cubed as we feel about working with the raw numbers .
18 There is a strong connection between the concept of " function " , and the concept of " meaning " : when we talk of meaning in the broad sense of " overall significance " , we include the implications which an utterance has regarding the intention of the speaker and the effect on the hearer .
19 Most sailors soon tire of sailing in the same place all the time and look for new places to sail which will give them variety and a challenge .
20 Yet sometimes that is what I feel like doing to the psychological and emotional crutches which are marketed as folk religion .
21 If you feel like withdrawing from the hurly burly and being reclusive , then do so and take this opportunity to recharge your batteries , and your energy will return soon .
22 Now we continue by looking at the inside workings of the process at the national level , beginning with a discussion of executives and assemblies .
23 Industrialists , who have acquired power and influence without passing through the mollifying tunnel of public school , Oxbridge and the professions , have always represented a potential challenge to the old order .
24 Just as it is easier to blame witches , agents of the Devil , for male impotence , famine , drought , war , plague and so forth than it is to blame God whom , in spite of all evidence to the contrary , we insist on regarding as a benign and even moral being .
25 They insist on continuing with an old structure ( that on amateurism ) which no longer exists anywhere else in the world .
26 J.S. When someone who has cancer is finally dying , that 's one thing , but many families go into mourning at the first diagnosis as a form of disavowing their own pain and fears .
27 Repeated non-availability or failures to show up after agreeing to an engagement are likely to result in a discontinuation of offers of work , and in this sense casual working requires an acceptance of many of the same disciplines as apply to working in a regular fashion .
28 Plenty have terraces from which to watch the world go by accompanied by a hot waffle or a glass of beer .
29 If time is at a premium or you really hate tack cleaning , think about investing in a synthetic saddle and bridle for everyday use and keeping your leather tack for best .
30 Alcohol can make a big difference to the final bill so take care choosing wines and think of opting for a good sparkling wine rather than Champagne .
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