Example sentences of "[vb base] [adj] and [vb base] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When isolated mature hepatocytes are cultured on a non-physiological substratum such as tissue culture plastic , the cells attach poorly and have a limited viability .
2 Accept that and formulate an organised plan of action and you 're nearly there !
3 I remember my father giving me specific advice on just how he climbed the crux section of the corner crack above ; ‘ When you get to the steep bit — you 'll know it when you get there — just face right and use the square cut holds on the edge .
4 Prepare a solution of algae control liquid and let the cooled-off rocks steep in it .
5 Get involved and have an exceptional evening of intrigue , mystery and fun .
6 Norwood , Massachusetts-based Microcom Inc reports that it has been granted a patent for the Microcom Networking Protocol Class 10 feature , called Aggressive Adaptive Packet Assembly : the feature improves data link transmission performance by pro-actively adapting the size of data packets to line conditions — MNP 10 enables modems to connect , stay connected and have the highest transmission possible , regardless of the line conditions .
7 Go right , bounce on the trampoline , go up , right , down and paint the button , paint some platforms to bounce out of the cave you 're in , go left , down to the trampoline , go right and fall down , go left and paint the switch , go right and climb the stairs poking out of the cauldron , paint the button on your right , fall down and go left , fall down and go left , fall down and collect the picture from the bottom of the hole , paint some of the ledges to get out of the hole and go right , fall down the right-hand side of the map and go left , paint the switch , go left and paint the next switch .
8 However , I take the view that it is better if the parents , friends and older children become involved and take an active part .
9 However , A. griegi can be distinguished by the following characters : the oral papillae tend to be more triangular with a broader base , the arm spines are thicker , broader at the base , the dorsalmost become flattened and have a blunt rounded tip , those of A. otteri are thin and pointed .
10 But she has no intention of changing course now as she believes that , run as separate entities , the shops remain manageable and provide a strong incentive to succeed for the franchisees .
11 Move right and climb the pleasant walls and rib above to the top and a broken blocks belay .
12 In the paddleboat we start right and weave a stylish course across the left of the rapid , dodging the holes .
13 Move left and shoot the blue ground under the axeman .
14 Cross the forest road and where the track forks , bear left and follow the old drove road past a marker post keeping the fence on your left .
15 Choose five and write a full dictionary definition of each one :
16 The fish are n't large and you are unlikely to return home with one that you could pop straight into a glass case , although you might well do so ; but they fight hard and give a good account of themselves .
17 Identify these and give a brief description of each stage .
18 If they spend more and increase the local authority 's contribution to demand they have to take more from local taxpayers , thus reducing their demand for goods and services .
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