Example sentences of "[vb base] [adj] [prep] [art] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Be patient and remain strong in the knowledge that the universe knows what 's best for you .
2 Their bodies lay crushed for an hour before they were dug out and it was too late to save them , rescuers said last night .
3 Two examples of these very different approaches , one concerned with community control of adult education the other with strengthening community and collective action , will , I hope , highlight some of the problems and difficulties , some of the tensions and contradictions in these efforts to reach the working-class with relevant education .
4 In this issue of Health Action we highlight some of the challenges that arise in the collection and use of information and some of the experiences of people who are trying to meet those challenges .
5 The changes that have occurred since 1979 in the pattern of long term care for older people in Leicestershire , above and beyond the aging of the general population , highlight some of the challenges that many local authorities face in implementing the final phase of the ‘ Caring for People ’ community care reforms .
6 In this section we highlight some of the issues that arise in industrial policy .
7 Will the Secretary of State make clear to the summit that after fourteen years of this government we have seen unemployment treble to three million unemployed .
8 Allied spokesmen make light of the fact that so many enemy aircraft remain intact .
9 Yes , yes a and erm oh yes I mean some of the things that , especially the er the more senior people now th those people on the erm programme last night , did you see it ?
10 And I I , I , I commend this to the church and I , and I 'm glad the commissioner had a chance to come back and speak again about his concern about erm the waiting list for transplants .
11 In this chapter , I would like to try to explain some of the laws and customs of my people , particularly with regard to women and marriage , and dispel some of the myths and fairy stories which had totally misled me .
12 We treat just a couple , place some in the exercises and leave the rest for the reader to prove for himself or look up in , for example , [ 24 ] .
13 Econometric analysis is used to study the behaviour in these relationships and test some of the hypotheses that have been proposed about the arms trade , as well as the open economy implications of arms exports and imports .
14 The retinal nerve cells process some of the information and then send it through the optic nerve to the brain .
15 Fly high on a wing and a prayer : Simon Calder gives 10 commandments for making the most of US unlimited airpasses
16 Schools recognized the potential of these strategies , and our discussions elsewhere of PNP coordinators and TTT explore some of the possibilities and problems of having staff work together with the improvement of classroom practice in view .
17 Please bear in mind that all Listed and Crown places provide some of the facilities and services of a higher classification .
18 That I grow bored after an hour or two .
19 yes , well I used to read a lot of story books , travel avidly and I think I forget all about the author and the story , but I remember one portion where they discovered a depression in the middle of a continent where it was in excess of and they 'd grown quite a different specie
20 These grow unimpeded for a while but the leading edges eventually collide with others and growth rates are altered .
21 A touch more of the spirit that is in you now can do no harm . ’
22 Ian said , ‘ We want two on the engine and two on the coal box . ’
23 ‘ The reorganisation of ecological balances which will eliminate subsidies to any goods or process bad for the earth and the environment . ’
24 The trees grow wild along the riverbanks and are harvested between January and June as the fruits ripen .
25 They supply most of the pubs and they distort the market as a result of their sheer size and advertising wealth .
26 The second factor is more important : Asian airlines remain untouched by the deregulation that has swept America and is beginning to inject new competition into Europe .
27 The publishers make much of the fact that the first entry records a postcard from Matisse to Bonnard inscribed ‘ Vive la peinture ! ! !
28 Lio ! rt gasped at the sudden turn of speed with which the wizard had dodged his killing stroke and , with that desperation only available to the really terrified , Rincewind uncoiled like a snake and launched himself across the space between them .
29 But women clearly found ways of turning a restrictive garment into an alluring fashion : the surviving representations of the stola show it as a revealing slip , cut low between the breasts and often suspended from the slimmest of decorative straps .
30 Just move this to here if I put that on a mat because it 's cold
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