Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] quite a [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I 've done quite a few ads , the latest Marmite ad is mine and now I 've got the part in Brookside which is great , I 'm really enjoying it .
2 He said : ‘ I 've done quite a few police jobs and appeared in front of the Royal Family .
3 I know down at Evans I 've noticed quite a few things in there , there are different
4 Peach and cherry trees are out in blossom , and we 've seen quite a few birds .
5 Erm , also inclination of head towards the listener and erm erm , how did they feel that they 'd finished the erm , speaker 's intonation and a drop in volume of voice towards the end , and erm , also you 've got quite a full tags .
6 erm right in the book and other ones I 've read , cos I 've also got , well I 've got quite a few journals with
7 You 've got a golf course , you 've got quite a few things round here , you 've even , you 've got your school just a bit , you know up past .
8 No it 's changed the er they 've got quite a few plays going on , they 've got chess going on
9 Ooh and you 've got quite a few shells .
10 Det Sgt Gavin Barry , who led one of the groups of uniformed and plain clothes officers , said afterwards : ‘ We 've got quite a few leads we will follow up .
11 We 've got quite a few pupils in our school who will seize on anything like this as a means of causing friction between the various groups .
12 Well , er I 've got quite a few comments but I 'll ask
13 I 've I 've had quite a few nicknames .
14 I 've had quite a few patients .
15 I 've used quite a few buckets of water washing walls .
16 ‘ I 've tried quite a few times but mine are never any good . ’
17 I 've changed quite a few things
18 Aids have claimed quite a few victims now
19 ‘ I have seen quite a few races on television and the competition is really good . ’
20 She sweetly punctuated every pause with ‘ Actually , we have had quite a few calls saying the same thing , ’ and ‘ Actually , I must say , I do rather agree with you . ’
21 We have had quite a few trainees , youth trainees in garden centres , and golf courses , which surprised me , but golf courses apparently could use quite a lot of people .
22 Why do you think it is that that you get erm that you have got quite a few girls that become prostitutes , what do you think the reasons are for it ?
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