Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] your [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A prosthetist who had a lower limb amputation himself stated : ‘ They [ patients ] want to pick your brain for every bit of knowledge they can get .
2 Yes folks , if you want to reserve your place in the local funny farm ( bibble , bibble , polka-dot flamingo ) , go out and purchase a copy of Puzznic today .
3 So-called ‘ personal ’ doors , positioned in the side or back wall of the garage , are useful if you want to use your garage as a workshop or utility room , and are essential if your garage blocks access to the side of the house .
4 If you want to use your patio in the evenings , especially for entertaining , you 'll probably need some electric lighting .
5 If you want to extend your bathroom into a hallway or bedroom , and plan to put up a partition wall , you will need Building Regulations ' approval if this involves the demolition of a load-bearing wall .
6 ‘ I 've told you before — if you want to keep your place at the vicarage , you ca n't go around saying such unchristian things .
7 These three parts of your analysis — Antecedent events , Behaviour , and Consequences — can be termed the ABC , or basic units that you need to consider if you want to change your behaviour in the way you wish .
8 IF you want to get your partner in the mood for love … try stuffing them full of salmon .
9 If you want to check your entry on the list , write to and say in your message QUERY LEEDS-UNITED — it 'll show you what you 're down as .
10 if necessary , prior to bargaining , seek to strengthen your power by a planned strategy
11 When it is quite dry , use a thin stick or toothpick to draw your pattern on the egg in glue .
12 Finish deving your print for the remainder of your dev. time .
13 Finish deving your print for the remainder of your dev. time .
14 It 's likely that your awareness of the challenge you face increases your sensitivity to the pain , feeding into a vicious circle .
15 I always enjoy reading your page in the Echo , will you please forward this letter to the Beeb .
16 At the end of the fortnight , write an Action Plan for the way you intend to use your time during the next two weeks .
17 Whenever we have given you advance notice of any such planned interruptions , we guarantee to restore your supply within the period notified to you .
18 Please send two recent colour photographs that show your hair clearly — remember to write your name on the back of them .
19 No matter what you drink , remember to do your bit for the environment by using the bottle and can banks which are now available in most Sainsbury 's car parks .
20 Too much sun can cause skin cancer , so remember to protect your skin in the sun , especially during holidays abroad in hot countries .
21 You seen all these adverts about starting your own business , you know , governments like , you know , doing all these courses and making it out as though it 's it 's dead easy to get fi , you know hitting your head against a brick wall
22 ‘ I intend to keep your nose to the grindstone , Rob .
23 Please continue to view your progress in the mirror and realise that it is only one more day before you measure and weigh yourself to enter your reduced ( I hope ! ) statistics on the Weight and Inch Loss Record Chart .
24 If you intend to turn your work into an ‘ oil ’ then suitable paper must be used so that oily edges do n't form and , when the oil finally dries out it wo n't make the paper brittle and liable to crack .
25 Well yes , but do n't we all use artificial aids of one kind or another ; try eating your dinner without a knife and fork or going to Australia without an aeroplane .
26 In each case try to focus your mind on the part of your body that has in turn been made tense and relaxed .
27 ‘ Well , I think you 're going to need protection tomorrow when you go to announce your arrival on the veterinary scene .
28 Try to quench your thirst with a light , fresh white and you will drink enough to put you on your back .
29 Use a body scrub or a loofah to get rid of all those dead skin cells and once you start to go brown , keep feeding your skin with a rich moisturiser to try to stop the skin flaking .
30 Try running your finger along the side of the worm and you will find this out .
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