Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] about the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I want to write about the nightmare that we all have to confront every morning when we awake .
2 This is because many children want to talk about the subject but can not find an adult in whom to confide or who is willing to talk about it .
3 That 's actually all I want to say about the flipchart unless anybody 's any other comments I mean Jeff 's you 've obviously got a lot of experience in a do you feel there 's any anything further than that I know I 've covered it very briefly .
4 I would appreciate any comments you want to make about the campaign and Media Action and your final evaluation of the programme .
5 At least when that happened , she would stop feeling his rejection so poignantly — stop caring about the fact that she disgusted him so much that he did n't want anything to do with her except sexually , and that against his will and to the damage of his self-respect .
6 Dolly 's limbs lay strewn about the carpet but Dolly 's assailant had gone to take a nap and slept .
7 The 30 youngsters from Keldholme School took up plastic sacks and gloves as part of a three-day litter pick to learn about the environment as they help to protect it .
8 It just shows people around here do care about the past and how relevant it is to them today
9 you can write down these words , that would then be given you a clue things that you could be saying to your customers , where , right , if you start thinking about the job that you 're doing and I give you the word where , right you think of the number of times you can use the word where , with a customer , right
10 Desert Orchid 's owner Richard Burridge said : ‘ Yes , I 've heard about the plan but I do n't know exact details . ’
11 Geographical factors can be a motivating factor , er we 've talked about the sun and the influence of the sun .
12 They 've talked about the way that employers , that employers treat workers , and do you know what that resolution does , because it 's printed in the preliminary agenda and I make no apologies for saying this .
13 Freud 's view of science is not that of a simple empiricist , who assumes that , once something has been discovered in science , it remains true for all times , and that one day science will have discovered nearly all we need to know about the world and ourselves .
14 Erm he , he 's saying , he 's saying here that basically Chiang Kai-Shek erm and all the people of have s have talked about the fact that erm , you know , they wa they want to arouse the masses of the people but then that they 're gon na be scared to death when the masses do rise .
15 ‘ SSDs have to think about the pace and level of training .
16 negative and excluding people , but I also think that labels can be very , very positive and very , very important and that 's , I think that 's why erm , people thought up the word feminism and yeah , okay we have to think about the word and we have to think about what it means for us so yeah , a lot of pe , er people do n't want to call themselves feminists because the label has such negative connotations , but it does also mean very positive things , it 's a way of bringing people together , it 's a way of supporting each other , it 's , you know it 's , brings solidarity to the movement and people need labels .
17 What might theology for its part have to say about the direction that world seems to be taking ?
18 They have complained about the noise and mess caused by builders working on apartments for the elderly .
19 You have complained about the toughness and the cut of meat , you will no longer eat liver and pork .
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