Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] their [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , the funboards people tend to classify their level by the type of board they sail rather than how well they sail it .
2 Because he is constantly handling , tasting and eating fungi the spores tend to work their way into the shaman 's skin , penetrating his bloodstream and saturating his body .
3 Moreover , once imbalances have been created , they tend to work their way through the higher age groups in situ .
4 Active during the day as well as at night , they appear to adjust their pace to the human by-products on which they depend , such as scraps from butchers shops and other handouts .
5 We want to know their opinion of the band so that if we sign the group , we hope everyone in the company will like the artist 's work and try to promote it as well as possible .
6 The question that the Government must answer is whether , if they were to maintain their stand-back attitude and what they call their options , British investors — not simply inward investors — who want to sell their produce throughout the Community and the rest of Europe would give priority to investing and developing in Britain when they had every reason to believe that the Government were ever ready to withdraw from the European process .
7 The company claims that customers say that they want to do their development at the workgroup level in an open systems environment , on a range of hardware and under different operating systems , and to share data in a decentralised development environment , rather than have it all tied to the Repository on the mainframe server .
8 On the civilian side there are other interests — such as the state research body ( CNRS ) , the telecommunications operator ( France Télécom ) , and the broadcast transmission company ( TDF ) — in addition to CNES — which want to protect their part of the space turf .
9 they cease to hold their employment with the Regional Council by reason of voluntary severance , or
10 they cease to hold their employment with the Regional Council in the interests of the efficient exercise of the Council 's functions .
11 The type of CAD system that would be of use to such a skills-centred firm would depend not only on where they expect to interface their system into the existing design process , but also on the volume of products being produced , and the skills being provided , by the manufacturing facility .
12 Castle Drachenfels is designed to present a challenge to characters of all levels of experience , but inexperienced adventurers will have to be very careful indeed if they want to survive their visit to the Castle !
13 ‘ The people here want to spend their money on the more expensive imported brands , ’ say Eugen , 24 , who works for the Soros Foundation in Timisoara .
14 Furthermore , afraid that competition from low-wage countries will undermine employment in Germany , they want to safeguard their position via the Social Charter and the minimum wage .
15 Jeanette and Simon Edwards , who lost two babies in three years , want to show their support for the new group by giving it a cash boost .
16 This general principle finds its natural realization in the fascinating diversity of adaptations by which the males of different species seek to increase their share of the mating .
17 All seek to enhance their status at the cost of their rivals .
18 Conventionally lenders seek to limit their risk of the borrower defaulting by insisting that the borrower provides good security to support the loan .
19 By taking responsibility themselves for stock checking their titles with Dillons stores and reordering accordingly , publishers hope to boost their presence across the group .
20 The objective is to start the budgeting process as late as possible in the preceding year while allowing budget-holders time to agree their budget before the start of the budget year .
21 However , from 1934 claims for poetry 's transcendence of science begin to find their way into the review sections ( for example , science is seen as limited to " the analytic faculty " , while poetry involves the " instinctive apprehension of the whole " ) .
22 In some cases they may explode or manage to throw off enough matter to reduce their mass below the limit and so avoid catastrophic gravitational collapse , but it was difficult to believe that this always happened , no matter how big the star .
23 They assemble offshore and then begin to battle their way up the rivers , fighting and dodging the swift downward current , selecting with the help of the pressure-sensitive pores of their lateral lines , the reaches where the current is marginally slacker , resting in quiet pools , recovering their strength before tackling another stretch of rapids .
24 As it settles down and the chances of ever attaining the radical goals become ever more remote , members begin to shift their attention to the routine satisfactions of just ‘ being a member ’ .
25 And because they are mostly sociable creatures , academics enjoy slaking their thirst in the senior common room , in campus bars and off-campus pubs .
26 Legal organizations , to be effective in attaining their mandate , have to transmit their policies to and make secure their control over the enforcement agent in the field .
27 They tend to conclude their account with the formation of the National Government , giving ensuing events — in particular , the decision of the National Government to go to the country as a National Government — fairly perfunctory treatment ; and this despite the fact that , as Ball rightly claims , ‘ The radical restructuring of British politics after 1931 lies not in the events of 13–28 August , but in the changing attitudes within the National Government during September and October 1931 . '
28 JOHN ROBB watches them flap their pop stars lips , jump up and down and spazz dance their way across the world .
29 JOHN ROBB watches them flap their pop stars lips , jump up and down and spazz dance their way across the world .
30 Jade and Rose continue to show their appreciation for the medical staff at Stoke Mandeville who fought to keep the baby alive .
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