Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] at [art] [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 And then er part B bundles one , two and three er my Lord you want to look at the documentation which is dealing specifically with the purchase of the wine bar .
2 When such a clear target has been voiced and accepted , ideas for units begin to flow at a rate which the technology and the programmer find difficult to cope with .
3 We have looked at the devices which create formal links between sentences ; at pragmatic interpretations which link literal meaning to function and social meaning ; at the existence of hierarchical structures in particular discourse types ; and finally at the conversational mechanisms which enable people to construct informal discourse together and make sense of what is happening as they do so .
4 ‘ Rather , the higher level of compact disc prices is because prices have settled at a level which , on the whole , the market appears willing to bear , ’ according to an EC written reply to the leader of Labour MEPs , Glyn Ford .
5 As a result , they have arrived at a view which I shall call ‘ concessive ’ holism .
6 If the term disorganized capitalism is useful in describing a new set of relations , then some of these relations have changed at a level which might traditionally have been assigned to superstructure — at the levels of ideology or civil society , although these terms will require subsequent careful discussion .
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