Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] their [noun sg] in the " in BNC.

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1 And because they are mostly sociable creatures , academics enjoy slaking their thirst in the senior common room , in campus bars and off-campus pubs .
2 With industries and jobs disappearing around them as they still try to find their way in the new Germany , many east Germans find it comforting to enjoy some harmless fun where , for once , they get the upper hand .
3 ‘ They think having their picture in the paper 's everything .
4 Used correctly , running reins do have their place in the training of a horse , but alas , their use is often abused .
5 This will enable first time buyers to choose a home and buy a share of it — usually 50 per cent — with a housing association paying rent on the rest until they wish to increase their stake in the property .
6 no , but as soon as they 've got their thingy in the they should be off .
7 They give us their advice on what they know about the voluntary sector , and they give us guidance and help , in fact , the meeting took place er , only two days ago , and absolutely invaluable to be able to sit and listen to people who 've spent their life in the voluntary sector working with some of the difficulties we do n't appreciate .
8 It was not so much the result in Porto Alegre but the manner of the defeat that has thrown a spanner in the works as Germany prepare to defend their title in the United States .
9 Does the Turkish occupation , or anything that has happened since , explain why Greeks so much prefer to earn their living in the little , man-to-man operations of the service sector ?
10 The names listed below have given their support in the period between press date and publication of the last issue , and their contributions are included in the sum mentioned above .
11 Danov said : " I certainly assume that Zhivkov and some other people in his government who have paraded their innocence in the last few years will be indicted . "
12 Having made sure students have written their name in the appropriate space , at the top of the paper , collect in all the papers which are then ready to mark .
13 Which are in the Rays of the Sun , which have made their abode in the Waters . ’
14 Share salesmen , even after A-Day , have upraised their status in the eyes of clients by quotation of imaginary praise from other clients , e.g. " One of my clients is kind enough to say he 's never had a bad tip from me . "
15 I believe that , by investing here , German and Japanese companies and those of other countries have shown their confidence in the British economy .
16 Board members have reiterated their confidence in the duo by re-electing them chairman and vice-chairman respectively .
17 If the kinds of academic freedom for students just outlined are to be vigorously sustained by the academic community ( as they should ) , then students have to play their part in the exercise of those freedoms .
18 The miracle grains introduced in the 1960s have played their part in the agricultural revolution but there is no sign that new strains are on their way .
19 Other materials , made from natural fibres such as cotton , hemp , flax , and even silk , have played their part in the past , and that is the operative term , for , apart from the traditional and ceremonial kites where authenticity is upheld to the highest degree , such materials are no longer good enough for the modern kite .
20 For example it seems very likely that pragmatic considerations including economic ones have played their part in the expansion of the parole system ( see Chapter 6 ) .
21 The ‘ fashion ’ phase of recent years seems to be over , and it is clear that planners have to justify their place in the agency by their value to the agency and its clients .
22 all of our paid fors have er , done very well this year in circulation terms all but two of them have increased their circulation in the first half , despite quite high price rises , for instance the York county newspaper , the weekly there , we have a daily but the weekly there went up by five P and the weekly in Bath where again we have a daily that went up by six P .
23 Officials from the leading Ulster team have voiced their opinion in the past that there should be some of form seeding for the preliminary round , and now it has raised its head again as they prepare for a long trip south on November 6 .
24 IRA ‘ tout trackers ’ believe the security forces have infiltrated their organisation in the New Lodge and Ardoyne areas and that a well placed mole is feeding them the names of IRA operatives and the location of ‘ safe houses ’ .
25 Gender disadvantage is of course bound up with concepts of identity and role and may be more problematic for some newly retired men who have invested much in their world of work than for those women who have centred their existence in the home .
26 They have allowed their care in the community policy for ex-mental patients to amount to no more than people drifting within a community of hostels , in which one finds people who have fallen through the safety net and ended up homeless on the streets .
27 Now that the German Government have signalled their intention in the foreseeable future to recognise Croatia , would not it be a morally important statement for the British Government to do likewise and stand alongside this cruelly treated people ?
28 Anti-crime : Sedgefield Community College students have strengthened their work in the anti-crime fight .
29 Based at Hal Safi , across the road from Luqa International Airport , Malta , is NCA International Ltd , a company that have expressed their faith in the Caribou and have developed a name as a specialist in the type .
30 Carter enjoyed a successful loan spell at Birmingham late last year and the Midlands club have maintained their interest in the 23-year-old keeper .
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