Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I have enjoyed the closest possible co-operation with Chancellor Kohl in the past year and I intend to continue to do so in the same capacity in years to come .
2 Britain has one of the largest black populations in the Western world , yet magazines seem to try to appeal only to the white mainstream .
3 Experienced Temple Fortune locals seem to prefer to peer away from the posters at the television set perched atop the soft drinks cooler .
4 But I do n't think it really ever I mean there were quite a lot of initiatives like that you know of people thinking of different ways really of of sticking together to combat er you know what I 've been talking about which was smashing unionism and er forcing lower wages really onto the the already low paid , which er really seems to be what Thatcher 's all about you know in order to er curb inflation and create a very divided society where er half the population seem to have to live either on the dole or in in poverty really in in derelict bits of Britain .
5 The advertising 's actually larger than other products are currently spent on their advertising but w we feel that with the launch of a new product and trying to catch eight and a half percent of the mar market over erm three years that we do need to spend heavily in the department so like I say that 's forty percent .
6 Just how that 's going to be accomplished we do n't know , we 're not party to the discussions , we understand that the Greater York authorities do plan to meet shortly after the end of this examination , but just what further work is necessary before they then get onto the location aspects we do n't know about that , all I would say is that we would expect final plan to have the general location of a new settlement embodied in in that plan before it is approved .
7 ‘ You really do like to sail close to the wind , do n't you ?
8 Have n't you two grown ’ Well , you know you do tend to grow slightly between the ages of 8 and 16 , or 14 and 22 as in my brother 's case .
9 There are no far outliers in the logged distribution , and the outliers that remain do seem to differ substantively from the body of the data .
10 At this stage perhaps I can emphasize Jan this is such a flexible concept that er we are anxious not to lay down any rigid rules as to how it works because if some things do n't work very well , they can be altered and if some things do prove to work well like the event we had at Felixstowe we can build on that success so quite consciously we 're not laying down any rigid rules as to how things go and we will look to review how officers we , we erm advise you as members in the light of practical experience .
11 Now since I 've just about learnt the difference between the sharp end and the blunt end of a boat , I 've decided to go straight to the top and get some expert advice from the R Y A and who better than the R Y A's national coach John , Hi John .
12 They ca n't even meet their own boyfriends outside the club-they 've got to go right outside the area .
13 ‘ I 've got to lie here for the next twelve hours without moving with an ice-pack over half my face because you walked out and left me to the mercy of a predatory pit-popsy ! ’
14 ‘ You 've got to get ahead of the rest , ’ I blurted .
15 As Ian said , ‘ After one robbery , you 've got to prepare immediately for the next . ’
16 You know and it 's a sort of awareness you know then and and now we talk about , Oh we 've got to stay together after the strike I mean what what are we going to do .
17 ‘ This is something I should have done days ago ; something I 've wanted to do almost from the first moment we met , yet I 've fought against it every step of the way , just as you have .
18 However , health campaigners , who reacted angrily to warnings that the axe could fall , have decided to press ahead with the meeting , saying they can not trust the healthcare trust .
19 Correlations in this area , especially in non-Marxist work but still in most Marxist work hitherto , have tended to proceed less from the steady analysis of evidence than from relatively a priori concepts , usually of a strictly contemporary kind , to which such evidence as there is is illustratively added .
20 In Russia , people have had to build mikvas secretly , some of them have built a hidden one t-n their home , and have had to live constantly with the fear of being discovered by the KGB who would imprison them because of it .
21 Over the last couple of months many folk have requested to know more about the BMS World Mission Link ( WML ) and our link partners the Collict and Meikle families .
22 Recent commentaries on the mass media derived from within the broad Marxist tradition have attempted to move away from the simplistic view of the mass media as mere relay systems ; a view which implicitly suggests that the study of the mass media is not problematic since their ownership ( usually by large corporations ) pre-determines the nature of their work .
23 ‘ Ever since my father got as far as the fourth fence when leading the field on Zimulator in L'Escargot 's year in 1975 , I have wanted to do well in the race , ’ he told me .
24 But to be effective they all have to learn to work together for the good of the school .
25 The couple are due to wed in Great Victoria Street Presbyterian Church on Saturday , October 16 , and have vowed to go ahead with the ceremony .
26 * Achieving cultures are cultures that have begun to break away from the traditions of the past , in order to develop and grow .
27 To a considerable extent , older people have learnt to respond appropriately to the dominant social expectations of old age , but often entirely inappropriately to their own feelings and needs .
28 More than half of all companies required to apply for pollution licences have failed to do so by the deadline of the end of September , according to reports submitted to the conference of the National Society for Clean Air .
29 The first criticism is that banks in the UK have failed to provide adequately for the needs of industry .
30 Andrea Newman and Susannah Lopez are two women who have chosen to remain exclusively in the grant-aided sector and who are struggling to maintain that working practice as an option for other women .
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