Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [pers pn] with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Swap swap it with a duff one !
2 But for UK and Irish holidaymakers who want to combine it with a Florida vacation , it is also an attractive deal .
3 When people are buying , another example of their purchasing power would be to say ‘ well , now I want this particular policy and I want to combine it with a power that 's available to me in that policy ’ .
4 you want to rub it with the cloth
5 Say thank you with a gift of gold from Beaverbrooks .
6 THREE women widowed in the Gulf war have been told by Government officials that they will not set aside money from the publicly-donated Gulf Trust to help them with an education fund for their children .
7 In 1976 , Linda Ronstadt released an album called ‘ Hasten Down The Wind ’ ( Asylum Records No. 7E-1072 ) which featured not only the guitars of Andrew Gold and Waddy Watchel ( anyone remember seeing him with the Everlys way back on their 1973 UK tour ? ) but also a fine , guitar-playing steel guitarist named Dan Dugmore .
8 When we take a tuck or slip stitch card and try knitting it with a changes of colour , we do n't usually know what the result will be .
9 Consequently , in order to provide more accurate information , we have re-designed the ‘ Sponsorship Opportunities ’ form which you use to provide us with the information for the back page .
10 Clematis are also a good choice — try growing them with a rose to extend the period of interest , but make sure neither is too vigorous a grower .
11 She liked to look at the visitors as they arrived and try to match them with the patients .
12 If it is out , try relighting it with a match , so long as there is no strong smell of gas .
13 Now both of them were choking with their laughter as Mick ended , ‘ It got so bad that they used to wait for it every Sunday night and try to smother me with a pillow .
14 I roll off my own bank , and try to follow him with the pipper .
15 If you attempt to cut it with a knife , remove the thick brown skin from the portion to be sliced , paying great attention to the direction in which you are cutting — it is very easy for the knife to slip and the blade must travel away from you .
16 In Chapter ii we found that a good deal of social science has been informed by this view ; but it is nevertheless natural to wonder why individualism should be excluded from the group of disciplines that aim to provide us with a grasp of the social world .
17 In the unlikely event that we fail to provide you with the services as confirmed to you by us at the time of booking or they are not of a reasonable standard , then we accept responsibility whether caused by our employees , agents or suppliers , save that ( i ) we shall not accept responsibility or liability for death , bodily injury or illness caused to you or others named on your booking form , except as set out below and ( ii ) we limit our responsibility or liability in respect of carriage by air , sea or land to that provided for by the relevant international conventions in respect of such carriage .
18 I 've seen them with the tiles .
19 I 've presented you with a lot of information in this article , so remember to take your time and try to practise every day .
20 Could it not be one of the two or three people who 've helped her with the writings ?
21 They 've helped me with the baby , they take her away for a couple of hours a day , and they take you out to places — sports centres and hospitals .
22 It was again Aisa Briggs who said now come on , you know , we 've helped you with the movie , come and do some work for the university , and I did n't need any encouragement .
23 ‘ I 've watched you with the kids , and , while I know it ca n't be easy , you seem to be doing a grand job .
24 I 've shown her with a March hare , as she can make men mad .
25 Can I ask you how you 've provided them with the data to actually produce the erm
26 But they do n't actually scoop it out off from the blast furnace , they drill a hole in the side where they 've plugged it with a lump of clay .
27 do you see what I mean , right , sit and re-question close , right you can close them on ee do you want to include the extra window for two hundred pound , you follow me you 've hit them with a price you want to close them , right and you sit and do the paperwork and you just say to them do you want me to include the extra window for two hundred pounds because you 've already said to them you , you give an extra , do you follow me ?
28 When you 've made your gifts to the various museums , you have given them with the stipulation that none of the works of art may ever be sold .
29 Since , however , the types of response given by these enquirers did not differ significantly from applicants , we have grouped them with the applicants for the purpose of the analysis .
30 If your drivers are older than those shipped with LIFESPAN , you need to replace them with the LIFESPAN versions .
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