Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 And colleagues , a couple of colleagues that , er , few of us appear to appreciate from time to time , and those are the signers who do a very important job for some delegates who are here this week .
2 And , as I hope to demonstrate from time to time in later chapters , it is as legitimate to utilize Lévi-Straussian notions where these seem appropriate and fruitful as it is to derive inspiration from Freud — without necessarily being a dogmatic , doctrinaire Freudian .
3 ‘ And visit to check on progress from time to time ?
4 While ditches become filled with silt over time , mounds are gradually flattened by weathering , and if a mound is adjacent to a ditch , this will affect the pattern of silting in the ditch .
5 I always find much of interest in each issue as it reaches me and if I do criticise from time to time , this is meant to be constructive and helpful .
6 Both require desludging from time to time , which is normally by pumping out using a tanker .
7 Hence the courts have had to evolve various canons of construction which , even more unfortunately , have fluctuated from time to time , thus over-ruling earlier decisions and defeating the legitimate expectations of investors who purchased preference shares in reliance on the construction adopted earlier .
8 As to the first question it is clear that views as to the availability and scope of certiorari together with its actual use have varied from time to time .
9 These four traditions have varied in eminence over time and Van Til argues that the claims on the curriculum are no longer based on a single source — a conclusion in line with the Munn Report .
10 ‘ Perhaps , ’ I can hear my readers saying , ‘ but you can not possibly suppose that all the totalitarian states which have come into existence in times ancient and modern have been the result of faulty socialization and nothing more . ’
11 I am convinced that zander often shoal up or gather in great numbers when they are not hunting and to come across one of these occurrences as I have done from time to time is an unbelievably exciting experience .
12 Christians need to reflect from time to time on their faith , knowing that it is easy to be distracted from their calling to be disciples .
13 In addition , in some systems which have operated from time to time in the UK and elsewhere , there is a procedure whereby people are asked attitude questions about the product before the show and after it , and given the opportunity to select the test product ( from a list ) as a prize or gift .
14 I have thought from time to time that I would like to write and let you know how much those lessons meant to me — and now I am !
15 On the other hand , I have needed from time to time to provide a certain amount of background , because the progress of a friendship can not be traced otherwise than by describing attendant circumstances .
16 However , my brief was to make a virtue of necessity , as we all have to do from time to time , and concentrate on the planting .
17 So that 's what we have to check from time to time .
18 I 'm sorry mummy had to rush us so much this morning it 's just when we 're in a rush we have to get to school on time you see , it 's a bit rotten when you 're only three is n't it ?
19 Talking about depression is not something we do much , which is odd really because everybody gets depressed and vast numbers of us need help from time to time .
20 Having been without a tutor-organiser since 1958 , Essex Federation representatives on the District Council have suggested from time to time that other counties might benefit from following their example .
21 British Government spokesmen have suggested from time to time that the Treaty on European Union represents a reversal of the process of centralisation within the Community .
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