Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [adv] [art] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I hope to meet quite a few of them , ’ she said yesterday .
2 A visit to Salcey is all the more rewarding and exciting if you manage to see even a few of its shy inhabitants .
3 ‘ I 'm not sure why , but you invariably seem to bring out the worst in me … ’
4 But we get killed just the same by the Provies .
5 Occasionally the Imperial forces try to clear out the worst of these foes , but the area remains wild and dangerous .
6 I devote myself to the modest task of first abstracting from the actual economic policy of the State , which is the resultant of the struggle between two systems of economy , and the corresponding classes , so as to investigate in its pure form the movement towards the optimum of primitive socialist accumulation , to discover the operation of the conflicting tendencies , as far as possible in their pure state , and then try to understand why the resultant in real life proceeds along one particular line and not another .
7 We 've picked out a few of the very best places and entertainments for our trips programme to give you a taste of one of the most attractive areas in Spain .
8 ‘ I 've met quite a few during the past five years , ’ he agreed smoothly .
9 Well , I think perhaps what we 'll do cos you 've missed quite a few of these out so I think what we 'll do erm is to leave that what you 're doing there for a moment we 'll go through this mark this and the one 's you have n't done we 'll do so that you 've got this one straight .
10 ‘ I 've seen just the same in the police , ’ murmured Blanche .
11 So my said , Ooh you know what if it does n't you you know you 'd have none for next term sort of thing I said well I 've got quite a few for next term still .
12 They 've got quite a few of these at erm at , at the Railway Trust , they 've er they 've got a number of these signal boxes .
13 No , well I 've meet quite a few since and they 're alright , they come and they go , but , I do n't know
14 I do n't know , they 've sold out a dozen at Broadway this week , well int last fortnight , so White Gates were telling me , so , well if we do , we do , if the bungalow goes before we sell well , we 'll have to come and live with me mum until we find another one .
15 And Mr will know , that in fact we 've employed quite a few of his services and other services of the county council .
16 Every experience of childbirth is different , so the accounts by teenage mothers that follow illustrate just a few of these .
17 I would also expect to see as a result of local shortages , more sharing of dwellings , by households who have formed not the same of concealed households who have n't succeeded in .
18 ‘ If you go to the NCT , you will be taught by women who have had either a wonderful of a nasty labour and who bring their experiences to the class , ’ he says .
19 And the children 's things , have got quite a few for the have n't I ?
20 In a bid to boost environmentally-friendly tourism , the Broads Authority and Eastern Electricity have set up the first of a series of recharging points for electric boats on the northern rivers of the Broads .
21 Producers Boris ( Yello ) Blank , Thomas Fehlmann and Moritz Von Oswald have brought out the best in him .
22 The principles of stressing and testing aircraft have remained much the same from the days of wooden biplanes down to supersonic fighters although there are many differences in practice .
23 We have put together a few of the most popular itineraries to help make your choice that little bit easier .
24 ‘ You need to eat maybe a third of your body weight before it kills you .
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