Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Professor Usher concludes his criticisms of the defence counsel 's actions with this damning comment :
2 Overall , I would thoroughly recommend our itinerary to other pilots of light aircraft — particularly if they want to broaden their horizons with a change of scenery and culture as well as flying conditions different to those in most of the UK or France .
3 All creatures need sleep to replenish their energies for the next awakening .
4 ‘ I want to run my hands down the length of your legs .
5 If you really want to spoil your guests in the Christmas , serve a slice of delectable Tesco Tia Maria Gateau as an after-dinner of coffee-time treat .
6 It is usual to distinguish three reasons why people want to hold their assets in the form of money .
7 If the parties to an agreement want to refer their disputes to an expert and to keep the dispute out of court , they must say so specifically in the agreement .
8 ‘ We really want to get our hands on the person who is responsible so we can bring him before the court and have him dealt with properly . ’
9 ‘ We really want to get our hands on the person who is responsible so we can bring him before the court and have him dealt with properly . ’
10 The rapid rate of mechanization from the 1960s was particularly important in releasing male labour , and only a small proportion of farmers ' sons now expect to follow their fathers on the land .
11 ‘ Britons tend to view their homes as a commodity to be traded and this has put people off having features in their homes which they think the market might find too ‘ individual . ’
12 Most owners tend to feed their puppies on the kitchen floor , placing a dirt-box nearby for use at night , or during the day in an emergency .
13 Those banks that offer services to affiliated groups benefit from deposits taken from related companies , especially as group employees tend to deposit their savings with the bank most closely associated with their company .
14 ‘ They couldna' get their tanks over the holes in the road . ’
15 Scientists and engineers tend to express their ideas in the form of equations because they need to know the precise values of quantities .
16 ‘ But we have established that the French only seem to know our secrets after the king 's letters and memoranda are delivered to our embassy in Paris . ’
17 The monitors , who meet to discuss their audits on the first Friday of every month , are : .
18 Intrigued by the means of domestic entrance — ‘ often by a flight of steps , which reaches up to the second story , the floor which is level with the ground being entered only by stairs descending within the house , — lie compares their dwellings with the architecture of England , and inevitably , when he draws such comparisons , a little bee flies into his bonnet .
19 Well finish doing your nails at the table then .
20 You said finish doing your nails at the table .
21 Is it right that the Secretary of State should hide behind English Tory Members of Parliament who consistently and always seem to have their names at the front of the Order Paper when there are Welsh questions , thus denying Welsh Members the right to put their point of view on behalf of their constituents ?
22 Yet with any luck we shall have a dozen bold new hens to lay eggs for us next year - and even if only half of them manage to emulate their mothers in the matter of bringing up families , by mid-summer we shall be positively over-run .
23 The upper classes , who are just as exotic and who theoretically are of crucial importance for understanding the mechanism of social structure , tend to shut their doors on the enquiring social scientist .
24 I like to know which players in the premier league you would pick to form a 18 men squad if you were manager of a new team .
25 Racing cyclists generally like to meet their fans at the beginning of a stage , but do n't ask for autographs today .
26 It looks as if we like bashing our heads against a wall .
27 Of interest to users who like to knock their PCs around a bit is the inclusion in the some of the new Seagate drives of new SafeRite shock sensing technology .
28 In Germany interest groups like to present their views as the product of exhaustive research rather than of a distinctive philosophy .
29 Mothers bring Tod their babies in the night .
30 The staff of the SSL continue to market its services by a wide range of activities .
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