Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] [prep] [noun] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I want to say to IBEC and to employers generally , if you want to continue to do business with Congress then you will have to sort out the cowboys in your midst .
2 The crown did possess vast estates but lands wee assigned to temples and to individuals .
3 You get to ask for shells and in my wee toilet and I do n't
4 Please continue to pray for Zaire and for the church there .
5 At a larger distance , none the less , a pattern of partial unity of purpose grows faintly visible , and the old romancers and young realists of post-war Britain by now look one in what they denied and defied , even if they remain opposed in style and in the positives of dogmatic faith .
6 Misjudgements and mismatches of schemata are particularly likely when people try to communicate across cultures and across languages .
7 The idea of a postmodern culture refers , however , to a way of life in which signs and forms of communication have largely become separated from content and from the specific contexts in which they are being projected and received .
8 All children love playing with balls and at this age it is sure to be one each , so that one-to-one correspondence comes naturally .
9 The danger is when they 're the ones that if they 're the ones that stop other people sorting out their own feelings and emotions erm and I think in the work that I 've done in schools and in other situations following disasters one of the biggest problems has been that those expressing denial or saying that we should be able to cope with this , children are resilient , they do n't have these problems , erm they 've often stopped people getting the help that they need ; often stopped other teachers getting the help that they need .
10 Cleansing milks , moisturisers and creamy foundations all help to seal in moisture and to some extent will prevent this problem .
11 According to this , the meaning of words and statements lies in the psychological states ( including long standing dispositions ) which they combine to produce in hearers and to be caused by in speakers .
12 We have to go to Livy and to minor sources for evidence of the conflicts inside the Roman ruling class and between Romans and allies in the first half of the second century B.C. Polybius does not seem to have noticed the feuds inside Rome which accompanied what may appear to us the most uncontroversial aspect of the Roman expansion in Liguria and in Piedmont .
13 what you have seen of bodies and of eyes
14 But ’ , ( said completely non-defensively ) ‘ there 's only so many hours in the day and some of them I need to listen to music and to be with my family .
15 Just as children are very familiar with drama itself through the dramatic fictions that they see enacted on television and on film , so too they have encountered the idea of still images in other contexts : their own family snapshots , freeze frame on the video recorder , sculptures , waxworks and comic strips .
16 In the first , the reader can identify immediately with the woman on the page , and the headline and sub-head add humour to humanity : ‘ Get motivated — get yourself a kick-start and find the drive you need to succeed at work and at home ’ .
17 This is not so , they argue , because we apprehend the world through a system of meaning which we have learned from others and of which language is an essential part .
18 They are the ex-Communist bosses and party officials who are managing to fix up jobs for each other while pushing others out of jobs they have held for years and onto the streets .
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