Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] at [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Estimates of the amount of oil in proven recoverable reserves ( 92 x 10 9 tonnes ) suggest that at current rates of use ( 3 x 10 9 tonnes per year ) we should have enough , both as fuel and a feedstock , for 30 years .
2 As his hand reaches out for mine , I recollect that at one point in those early post-war years I had a positive dread of men in uniform , and my terror grew in direct proportion with each extra pip .
3 ‘ But then they all say that at this time of year , do n't they ? ’
4 To echo Brundle : ‘ But they all say that at this time of year , do n't they ? ’
5 I ask that at this stage at least it be kept confidential among us , as it could be understood in the wrong way .
6 Quite simply , personnel policies that we set can have major impacts on erm , the funding of our superannuation scheme , and I think that at some stage in the future , it may be appropriate to think about a seminar for both of those committee members , to look at both the the good report and the the Department of Environment scrutiny , erm So .
7 If I happen to be pondering them when about to cross the street , and the green light has changed to yellow , ‘ Be aware ’ resumes all its authority ; never mind that at another level of discourse physics dismisses colour as subjective , unreal .
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