Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [verb] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 explore and use their skills through mathematically rich activities .
2 First , they take notice of what the customers want and incorporate their requirements into their products or services and , second , they have a quality monitoring programme within the organization to ensure that agreed standards are being met .
3 Most of the specimens probably reach the edge of the continent and float away in icebergs , which gradually melt and drop their meteorites to the sea floor .
4 The person whom we regard from our earliest years as wielding such power , the first person we realise as affecting our lives from outside us is the parent .
5 At the archway which divides the suyo of puro papa , where women sit on their hunkers , feet planted in the soft earth , and hack small potatoes out with their hoes , and the suyo of pura oca with its neat rows of bunched , dark green leaves , carriers stop and rest their bundles on the wall .
6 There 's a man cooking chestnuts on the corner and I stop and warm my hands over the fire and look at the Christmas tree .
7 Like the statue of the Virgin who put her arms round the young man and put his wedding ring on her finger to be his bride for ever , this pastry man , so scrumptious , sweet-smelling , so delicious to taste , comes to life as you speak and puts his arms around you and you put yours round him … .
8 Medau teachers support and direct their classes in much the same way as a conductor does an orchestra — first they perform the movement to feel the accent , shape and dynamics , then begin to communicate with the class through voice , before developing the rhythmic possibilities with claps , clicks , drumbeats , other percussive sounds , improvised piano music or recorded music .
9 Narrow-winged , small and compact , they fly powerfully with rapid wing-beats , sometimes planing over the water like hydrofoils ; in hunting they dive and use their wings for propulsion under water , feeding mostly on plankton and small fish ( Nettleship and Birkhead , 1985 ) .
10 She will not understand my joy when I hug her ; when I dance and crush their hands with gratitude .
11 Some scientists would still maintain that science is neutral , and it is the politicians who select and implement their inventions in particular ways and who should therefore shoulder the blame for undesirable consequences .
12 The growing independence of their children , at each successive stage , can be a matter of concern rather than joy for those who over-commit and over-identify their lives with the nurturing of dependent children .
13 Come and get and get your skates in the car !
14 When we explain each local government Bill to them , they frown and put their heads in their hands .
15 The children draw and paint their representations of the giant — several show the giant beside trees , some next to buildings , one remarkable painting has Herbert with his head in the clouds !
16 That is to feed my body through the hole left by the sidescreen until my head collides with whoever is in the passenger 's seat and then wriggle and squeeze my legs down either side of the steering wheel .
17 Local artists and craftspeople exhibit their work , discuss and demonstrate their skills in the Manor and its beautiful surroundings .
18 This is as true for print-on-paper publishers who may deliver products in hard copy but invariably originate electronically , as it is for electronic information traders who both originate and deliver their products in electronic form .
19 Now turn and retrace your steps down the mountain path , carrying your gifts .
20 We adapt and suppress our needs in order to behave in a civilised fashion .
21 Help me to grow and progress from this point on in the way I understand , respond and conduct my relationships with others .
22 Another recurrent crisis , during university years , was the cerebral accident — a subarachnoid haemorrhage unambiguous enough for me to sit down with pen and I paper and put my affairs in order .
23 Then look through the common answers given in the second item and try and relate your answers to them .
24 I just try and close my eyes to it
25 Go and get your shoes on jacket on .
26 Go go and put your shoes on Jonathan .
27 look what you , go and put your slippers on
28 ‘ Now , suppose you go and fetch them things off the line . ’
29 Yeah we do n't want you any more so go and , go and twiddle your thumbs in this corner but they 're still paying them twenty thousand a year .
30 Go and learn your words for tomorrow .
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