Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] with a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The National Curriculum sections of the ERA , essentially centralising and directive in character , sit uneasily with a variety of other arrangements which undermine the Local Education Authority as intermediary between centre ( DES ) and periphery ( school ) : ‘ opting out ’ , City Technology Colleges ( CTCs ) , open enrolment , local management of schools ( LMS ) .
2 About 9.30 I sit down with a cup of coffee to read the paper .
3 To the size absolutely , to the size of the audience so if we say a one to one we 've got a certain level of conversational power if you say so with a group like this it has to be
4 If you fancy trying it yourself around harvest time in September , then gather together a few pounds of the bluey-black sloe berries , prick them all over with a fork , smother them in about 6oz of sugar and top up with a litre of gin .
5 No stopping them : St Aloysius College press ahead with an attack despite some determined tackling by Galashiels Academy
6 His estates were , moreover , a heterogeneous collection , put together with an eye to providing him with an income rather than creating a political niche for him at a regional level .
7 His estates were , moreover , a heterogeneous collection , put together with an eye to providing him with an income rather than creating a political niche for him at a regional level .
8 Two men walk up with a patient between them .
9 When they do not work effectively , the unmitigated anger may well seep out in constant irritation over relatively trivial things or , as it seems to other people , may suddenly and unexpectedly break out with a degree of force inappropriate to the circumstances .
10 All they need to do is write a song about a hotel and , er , walk around with an armful of very long fish indeed , and America is theirs .
11 Savanna animals cool off with a kind of organic radiator by evaporating water from the moist linings of the nasal chambers .
12 In a two page epilogue the author merely states that nowadays students begin not with a description of chemicals and reactions but by learning Schrödinger 's equation and the shapes of orbitals .
13 ‘ My mam says he 's prob'ly in prison or run off with a bit of stuff , ’ said one of the hostiles in the playground one milk-break .
14 I kick off with an idea for a shady border under a deciduous tree .
15 Later they meet up with a couple of girls whose telephone numbers Michael finds in his pocket , and as a crazy night out they all have dinner at the Ritz .
16 Twice a week I meet up with a group of other young mothers for a baby afternoon and — ’
17 The two Britishers , Cyril ( McKern ) and Amos ( Alec Guinness ) are making a pilgrimage to the battlefields that scarred their lives , and meet up with a group of Americans : D-Day veteran Waldo ( John Randolph ) , his daughter Beverley ( Geraldine Chaplin ) and an enigmatic widow Lisa ( Lauren Bacall ) .
18 They stay submerged for ages , until you begin to think you 've only imagined you saw one go in — and then they pop up with a beakful of food .
19 So if perceptions of party chances vary sharply with a succession of contradictory polls , it indicates that these perceptions are influenced by the published figures rather than by actual political preferences .
20 Now , you , stand here with a bucket of water and keep the cloth wet ! ’
21 The sharp style of leather and suede is an essential this season ; stand by with a wardrobe of contemporary classics including shirts , jeans and western-style jackets in black , rich brown and tan .
22 We begin therefore with an outline of the political background and an indication of the nature of urban and regional change during the period .
23 Gooch 's men must accept their lot and get on with a job for which they are being paid around £20,000 a man .
24 Secure loosely with a piece of string or an elastic band and put on to a microwave-safe roasting rack over a disk containing 3 tbsp stock .
25 A hard disk is required with about two Mb free space , if you have that and an EGA monitor together with a love of gardening , then you should have this program also .
26 Oz , with its use of colour , could somehow , at the time , get away with an approach to sexuality which was condemned in retrospect — and occasionally then — but which somehow retained an innocence .
27 Cultivated gentlemen could , with the help of a very good builder , sometimes get by with a minimum of help from the architect , for these books provided inspiration , theory and practical guidance .
28 Holding firmly with one hand , trim slightly with a knife to a gently sloping cone shape .
29 Single notes or octaves ring out with a kind of starry brilliance .
30 Hack out with a couple of schoolmaster horses — one to lead the way and the other as a back-up ’ .
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