Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [vb pp] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Schnabel originally intended to collaborate on the film with the Polish director Lech Majewski , who is said to have interviewed around one hundred Basquiat acquaintances and written the screenplay 's first draft .
2 Remember , we 've all got to fight for the future now . ’
3 Yeah I 've only got to go to the bank and got to pay something for Gary , I 've got to pay in a cheque for Gary again cos he 's ever so low again this year , this week , this month
4 You 've only got to go to the Job Centre and see all the jobs .
5 You 've only got to think of the career of erm , Audrey Hepburn who died today , or yesterday , whenever it was .
6 Racism just boils down to ruling-class propaganda ; you 've only got to look at the popular Tory press , churning it out day after day , all owned and controlled by capitalists who 've got a direct interest in setting white workers against black and undermining the unity of the working class .
7 You 've only got to look at the history of religion , especially Christianity , to see that at as the guys who went round flagellating themselves also went around killing other people if they did n't believe in the right religion and that unfortunately er happens all too often .
8 You 've only got to look at the table .
9 We 've just got to learn from the experience and I said to my players afterwards ‘ welcome to European football ’ . ’
10 I would imagine the plaster wall have to be replaced cos there 's a lot of work that needs to be done on t we 've already had to deal with the plastering once , in fact we would n't have noticed cos we had n't seen it before but what happened is that the the frame of the hall particularly shrank so that we had gaps in between where the plastering was and where the wood was and we had to have a couple of men that we used for this , erm come in with lime plaster and fill in all the cracks for a week or two .
11 ‘ Come on , I 've always wanted to ride on the Wheel , ever since I was a little kid .
12 I 've always wanted to work in the Caribbean . ’
13 But you 've still got to liaise with the farmer or something .
14 ‘ I played the best round of golf I 've ever played to get into the play-off , so rather than feeling disappointed I 'm feeling very confident . ’
15 If you have the answer as eighteen , you 've probably forgotten to add in the additional boxes at each stage .
16 that you 've then got to deal with the extent to which you 've used the ninety four , five , against the five , six one .
17 I suppose now we 've either got to cut through the next side street we come to and try to get to the main road , or turn round and find the canteen and start again . ’
18 ‘ I know that does n't and ca n't excuse the way I came here and attempted to pass myself off as Cara , but I 've otherwise tried to keep to the truth , as far as possible . ’
19 she 's going over at half past eleven and she said to me if it 's not worth the money I 'm not changing and er , I shall tell him that I 've certainly got to go on the books you know
20 We 've , we 've got the erm , we 've got the six hundred organizations running so far about three thousand events , probably a few more if you count every single er course that some of the training schools are running but in terms of key events I 'm very confident in being able to say there are three thousand events running around the country about half of which are new and that 's the important thing so about fifteen hundred new and inaugural events that did n't go on last year or the year before Belinda the R Y A Public Relations Officer has been coordinating the public relations campaign and these days to get the young pe young people and those young people whose parents do n't sail because it 's to get at the people whose parents do sail , you 've actually got to get in the media and er we 've been on Blue Peter , we 've been on Going Live another children 's programme on a Saturday morning and
21 Unable to reconcile their view of education with the form of schooling they are now required to deliver , they have regretfully had to turn off the tap , and substitute instead a tape-loop of the sound of running water .
22 Her progress is delayed by the 400 parents and friends who have all decided to move to the edge of the parade ground to ensure they get good seats for the parade .
23 The Co-op always had refused to sell to Maxwell , but now they HAVE suddenly agreed to sell to the administrators of his estate who now own the whole site .
24 The 12-strong board of governors meets on Thursday , and although most have diplomatically refused to comment on the row , estimates are that in the absence of any further evidence against Mr Birt in the next few days , he will survive any vote on his future .
25 House prices have already begun to fall across the country with the most recent statistics showing the Midlands and the North joining London and the South-east .
26 Hundreds of protestors have already started to converge on the area around Horton General Hospital .
27 What was peculiar about my own circumstances I have already tried to describe in the hope of finding and revealing some useful clues .
28 The supporters have not failed to build on the promise shown last season !
29 In all my travels , I have not managed to fall off the edge of the world .
30 We have thus tried to fit to the NMR data by imposing these ε values ( on one junction at a time ) while also constraining the sugar puckers to agree with the COSY data .
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