Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [adv] [vb infin] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , it is important to realise that they are used only if the main table numbers do not adequately classify the document .
2 Even fish remains are rather local , and do not adequately reflect the abundance of a group that has occupied the seas for more than 400 million years .
3 The parents do not particularly choose the kind of games their children should play , they are left free to indulge in any games that appeal to them , providing , of course , that the game is not injurious to their health .
4 As the Wasp Junior is supercharged you do not just push the lever to the stop for fear of bursting it , so I relied on Tony to limit the movement of my left hand , revelling in the swelling thunder of the fifteen-litre engine and the surging acceleration as the nose reared under its power .
5 The reason for this is that you do not just calculate the length and breadth of the pool , but the various areas that are going to accommodate marginal shelves as well .
6 Do not even entertain the possibility that it will not .
7 In some countries a large majority of the electorate do not even exercise the right to vote .
8 Some patients do not even get the chance of surgery because they have waited too long .
9 Although the numbers have fallen in the last decade , a high proportion of the world 's children do not even have the opportunity of having protection from some of the major childhood killers , diseases for which vaccines are available — measles for example is a major cause of childhood mortality .
10 Crowded together with no room to move ( the proverbial ‘ five laying hens ’ in today 's battery cage do not even have the space to stand up together — one or more must crouch ) , animals no longer wasted calories in non profit-making exercise .
11 It seems ludicrous that Scottish Back-Benchers do not even have the facility of a Select Committee on Scottish Affairs to which we could summon Ministers and ask them in detail about the problems that we face .
12 Our Father says in His Word ‘ Do not ill treat the stranger but to be kind to them ’ Exodus 22 v 21 , which is right .
13 Clean air , by and large , also serves as an example of nonrivalrous consumption : by breathing , you do not perceptibly reduce the supply of air for others .
14 The real losers are the ‘ transport poor ’ ( chapter 6 ) , and the reason for this is that official estimates of the costs of key settlement policies do not generally include the time and money costs of individuals .
15 A further example of the parallelism of greater precision may be found here , though commentators do not generally see the connection of thought between the two lines .
16 The other major weakness of the proposals is that they do not properly identify the nature of the problem .
17 Offer words of encouragement and do not simply ignore the dog .
18 It is not a mere reflection of it ; the media do not simply report the world for us in any ‘ neutral ’ or ‘ objective ’ sense , they interpret the world for us .
19 Like many of those discussed in this book , Foucault endorses the ethico-political project of establishing forms of knowledge that do not simply turn the other into the same : as he put it in 1968 , he wishes to find another politics than that which ‘ since the beginning of the nineteenth century , stubbornly persists in seeing in the immense domain of practice only the epiphany of a triumphant reason , or in deciphering in it only the historico-transcendental destination of the West ’ .
20 Bureaucracies do not simply enter the policy-making process at the stage of implementation .
21 Neurons do not individually have the property of consciousness , consciousness emerges when a large number of neurons are interacting in the right kind of way ; just as speed is a property not of any single component of a car , but an emergent property of the whole system when it is operating in an appropriate way .
22 An intensive course in Russian is provided for those who do not already know the language .
23 It is quite appropriate that moral philosophers should group together children and madmen as beings not fully responsible for their actions , for as madmen are thought to lack freedom of choice , so children do not yet possess the power of reason in a developed form .
24 Scientists do not yet know the sex of the chicks .
25 Unfortunately we do not yet know the accuracy of the three tests in combination .
26 The majority of organisations do not yet appreciate the value of managing information as a resource , nor the benefits of doing so ; ’ ( ibid . :
27 Renters are not ‘ down-and-outs ’ , but those who do not yet have the opportunity to own a home , though they may well do so in later life .
28 In the short term , disappointment at this result may be tempered by the knowledge that we do not yet have the burden of the large numbers of additional students already taken by some of the immediate winners in this competition .
29 If we do not yet have the solution to the problem of consciousness , we are at least working towards it within the right framework .
30 Adolescent girls do not yet have the lid of society fitting tightly on their bubbling psyches — and we have , therefore , the phenomenon of frenzied screaming at rock stars , or wild dancing , as an outlet for some of this ‘ night energy ’ .
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