Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes it is possible to decide what particular activities bring on an attack of giddiness .
2 Or more seriously bring along a book on figure drawing to help you and do n't be afraid to hold a pencil at arm 's length to measure proportions .
3 6 Bind together a group of cinnamon sticks with Christmas ribbon and secure with a pin .
4 bring in a reign of terror and have
5 They bring together a range of information not otherwise collected .
6 Campra , whose expressed aim was to combine French musical expression with Italian liveliness , was perhaps copying the acknowledged pioneer of the French cantata , Jean-Baptiste Morin : four of the 12 works in Morin 's first two collections ( 1706,1707 ) introduce only a change of mode from air to air by way of contrast , and in the others the only secondary keys used in principal movements are the relative , IV and V. But as Morin was an otherwise obscure figure it is more likely that Campra was pursuing his own ideals , themselves anchored in Lullian tradition .
7 After sending in a tape , with a biography , contact address and a photo , a useful approach can be to update the A&R department every time your band does one or a series of gigs. send in a sheet of paper personally addressed to your target A&R person .
8 But I slip down a couple of back roads and I find it soon enough .
9 The following graph gives a general idea of how quickly the real value of those customers ' accounts erode if they are not collected and slip down the scale to customer 5 .
10 Prepare and cook only the amount of food you 'll eat in a single serving so that there are no tempting left-overs .
11 I mean to move on silently escaping , but I crash straight into a trolley , pushed by a bloke looking like one of the heavyweights in a James Bond film , so I leap away at speed as he snarls after me and knock over a pile of bean tins .
12 I 'm going to have to fly to either Chad or Niger and slip over the border by car .
13 Roux and Co cook up a treat at Food Show .
14 The study , produced for the Standing Conference on Drug Abuse and Alcohol Concern , indicates SSDs must catch up if they are to assess misusers and stump up the cash for community care .
15 Some build up a sense of foreboding that is either confirmed or denied , some make us laugh all the way through , some seem written only to outrage .
16 The age-old method of casting bells was to make a clay mould of the inside shape of the bell , then build up a layer of beeswax round it to the shape and thickness of the finished bell .
17 They circle the Earth repetitively and , as the Earth rotates eastwards below their orbital path , their instruments build up a picture of land and sea-surface conditions and the state of the atmosphere .
18 Science is a collective enterprise ; over time , researchers build up a body of wisdom which tells them which are the important variables to include when modelling a particular process , and which must be controlled .
19 Understandably they feel that it is such an intangible asset that it is more productive to go straight into the negotiating situation and test out the reality of bargaining power .
20 Seeking a quick fix for your anxiety , you knock back a couple of brandy and sodas : Dutch courage .
21 If one of their underground galleries collapses , the buried ants tap out a call for help .
22 The balance sheet and P&L account provide quite a lot of information on the financial health of the company but it is in the nature of a snapshot of conditions at a particular moment in time .
23 The balance sheet and P&L account provide quite a lot of information on the financial health of the company but it is in the nature of a snapshot of conditions at a particular moment in time .
24 The manuscript scores of Lully 's ballets provide almost no information regarding scoring .
25 These worms have a similar food-gathering strategy to the more familiar filter-feeding tubeworms , but instead of the feathery heads of fanworms have long , sticky tentacles which they wave in the current or drag over the substrate in search of food particles which are then carried back to the mouth as the tentacles are drawn in .
26 ii , ‘ o'erstep not the modesty of nature ’ , CS 20 .
27 Moreover , while there are good reasons for concern about the availability of services for ‘ revolving door patients ’ during the run down of the old psychiatric hospitals and while doubts remain over the capacity of district general hospital units to provide appropriate care to people in crisis , the relocation of the long stay population of psychiatric hospitals is achieving some successful results .
28 Doubts remain over the fitness of striker Ian Baird and midfielder Derek Ferguson , both of whom are suffering from hamstring injuries .
29 Third , " consumers " — that is , patients , their families , potential patients — have traditionally had least influence over the kind of service they receive .
30 Secondly , all these comments stress not a disavowal of communism , but rather a heightening of metaphysical angst once the reality of Soviet society was disclosed .
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