Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [prep] [art] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But the scent was so fresh , it was obvious the beasts would be unwilling to leave for a while , so Grant decided to ignore them and push on with the next stage of their operation .
2 They must be taught through benevolence and sympathy ; when the necessity arises shame may be used , but fear only in the last extremity , and then ‘ with such delicacy that if possible the habit may not gather strength by the use you are constrained to make of it ’ .
3 However , climbing sports differ from true climbers in that invariably they do not bloom until the second year wood , and then only on side shoots , and seldom repeat much after the first burst of bloom during June .
4 The story of some of these presses is a fascinating one to follow , as the printers surreptitiously pull off their pamphlets and broadsides in some kitchen or remote country house , load up and press on to the next location , with an eye ever over their shoulder for the pursuers .
5 The Welshman sent Critchley over within three minutes of the second half and was in support to take Tait 's pass and touch down in the 56th minute , with Holliday 's goal setting up an aborbing final quarter .
6 And , as you descend steeply into the next valley , and round the Norman church , a line of eight gargoyles — one a benign lion , one a madman in mid-vomit , one a splendid , arrogant griffon .
7 Coton had made a brilliant save from Speed , again demonstrating his great versatility at right-back , to preserve that advantage and the City goalkeeper , voted No 1 in the League by his fellow professionals , went on to make other important stops from Fairclough and Wallace to thwart a predictable Leeds rally early in the second half .
8 Er what was your first idea of what you was gon na be when you grow up in the first place ?
9 So what are your plans in the next year or two as we head up towards the next winter Olympics ?
10 • REM sleep can ‘ squeeze ’ deep sleep out of the first part of sleep towards the middle of it .
11 Wings appear externally for the first time and the insect takes on the appearance of an adult .
12 Try explaining it to Ashley as he sits in the back of the minibus watching the streets of Salzburg slip by for the last time as — filming finished — we begin the journey back home .
13 No , they say sadly to the first question ; and Yes , most definitely , to the second .
14 A REVOLUTIONARY new Siberian surgery technique could help people in Teesside suffering from bone problems walk properly for the first time .
15 And many of us , I dare say , have tacitly ( perhaps wistfully ) consigned Ruskin 's views to the ash-can of history , along with other Utopian systems put together in the nineteenth century which the desolate history of our own century has made no longer tenable .
16 Whether they break through to the next level will make interesting watching : the forthcoming exhibition and David Sylvester 's catalogue raisonné may prove influential .
17 David Branch , Peter Evans and David Miller had just teed off at the 15th hole in a competition .
18 But even though Lewis used him for target practice with heavy right crosses and upper-cuts , he could not floor the durable American , who took a standing eight count early in the fourth round .
19 Stainrod contributed the first goal and , after Pat McGinlay had headed Hibs level early in the second half , the player-manager then conjured up two inspired substitutions which brought Dundee victory .
20 Aid workers say Central Bosnia , cut off for the first time this Winter by the war between Croats and Muslims , is facing a humanitarian catastrophe .
21 If you find this difficult to understand , take any of your punchcards , and count up from the first pattern row to the number 1 in the margin .
22 In this book we focus solely on a third set of questions : What impact is the new technology having on people at work ?
23 When you walk you wait there for the first time do n't you ?
24 Patrick watched Chris setting off down the 10th and then cut across to the 11th green , which was quite close .
25 They come close to enjoining all scientists to refuse to engage in military research but then back off at the last moment .
26 America wants the Bank to change its ways , and lend less to the third world 's governments and more to its private businesses .
27 In buildings of more than two storeys , wait for the fire brigade , and jump only as a last resort .
28 As an example , we begin below with the fourth group E , A , D , G , then include C and F , and then move on to F , B♭ , E♭ , and A♭ , finally reversing the process to return to E , A , D and G :
29 You do n't turn the page over , just look over to the next column
30 Clear away for the next course , ’ said Rose .
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