Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [noun sg] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But colour terms frequently qualify only part of the object their head noun denotes ; furthermore , different colour terms may typically apply to different parts , so that , for instance , Mary 's eyes are blue and Mary 's eyes are red are not contraries ( N.B. there is no lexical ambiguity in these sentences ) .
2 Please send in copy for the summer issue of FYT News as soon as possible .
3 In a US property , a guest let off steam to the bartender because his room was not ready and it was already late .
4 The Burtons let off part of the house and lived in the rest .
5 Break off yarn at the end .
6 The Humber has been a barrier which cut off trade to the south .
7 As they are used single-handed , they make it easier to dead-head flowers , prune shrubs , cut up chicken for the barbecue , and shape materials like leather , canvas , etc , for craftwork .
8 I think my being there was a put up job between the lady and the billeting officer .
9 This field is situated at the edge of the Zechstein salt basin and thin beds of halite extend over part of the structure .
10 give just outline of the site , but certainly not .
11 There are many plants that give off scent during the day but which seem to take on fresh strength in the evenings .
12 The pages lie out flat on the desk when the cords are extended , so that it is possible to write the pages without taking them out of the binders .
13 WINDSOR 'S Willie Noteman has been forced to pull out of the Carlsberg Ulster Championships which begin tomorrow week at the Boat Club .
14 Davies says deepsea fish are attracted to the drums , then move to shallower waters and pass on radio-activity through the food chain .
15 The offer is only open while stocks last so post off the order form today .
16 I do n't think they question necessarily assimilation of the settlement now , but assimilation in the settlement in the it becomes developed .
17 The figures for percentage sedentary people at the beginning of this chapter tell only part of the story .
18 However , these rules and formally laid down procedures tell only part of the story .
19 But the figures tell only part of the story .
20 They tell only part of the story , and leave out any elements which do not fit into their chosen line of argument .
21 I 'd been told about the Afon Por-Gilli but never got around to finding and paddling it so when I found that I had the first Wednesday of the month off we set off westbound across the border .
22 I set aside Lover at the Gate to attend to the children 's needs — Coke and hamburgers from room service soon quietened them .
23 What I have always said is that way you set up supervision behind the programme is the most crucial , so therefore if I can sit down and help them to set up the most strenuous type of supervision to go along with the equipment , then they feel safe and the community feel safer that none of them will go out and commit another crime .
24 Surveying reports on the relevant customary behaviour in 350 separate ‘ societies ’ , Tylor was able to demonstrate that , when the newlyweds set up house with the wife 's kin , avoidance behaviour between the latter and the husband occurred more frequently than could be expected on the basis of mere chance .
25 If pine comes mean no more to you than the pretty seed carriers that litter out countryside in the autumn , think again .
26 Otherwise blow out dust from the keyboard and clean keyboard casing .
27 Please remember when filling in the questionnaire that only about half to two thirds of the newsletters printed go to members ; the others all are given away at clinics , shows , etc. possibly to people who have no idea what NCT is .
28 Now the 37-year-old Liverpudlian is preparing for the sell out run of the stage play Alfie at Bolton 's Octagon Theatre .
29 They were going to undo the spells that held together the vortex and bring back Chaos to the world .
30 The home of the Ba was the body in the tomb , but it was able to go out freely and bring back life to the body and thus preserve the deceased 's identity on earth .
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