Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Anchor ice accumulations , being less dense than sea water , break away from time to time and rise to the surface , carrying with them entrapped and frozen plants and animals , which gather in layers under the inshore floes .
2 Such errors show up from time to time as inconsistencies in the records , but much worse are those that go undetected , and which could lead to the wrong conclusions being drawn when the records are analysed .
3 Your two crystals grow visibly : they break up from time to time and the pieces also grow .
4 To a very large extent this is what Ashton does in A Month in the Country where the non-dancers speak out from time to time in explicit gestures .
5 I just pop up from time to time to see if Bob 's all right . ’
6 Stand back from time to time and take a look at the big picture .
7 The University 's Alumni Office can provide help and advice to groups , whether they consist of a few friends who meet informally from time to time , a group from a particular department or year who wish to arrange a special reunion , or a more established society like the ones described on these pages .
8 Finally , he makes considerable use of ‘ natural experiments ’ , the sociological , or in this case literary , device , of studying those natural contrasts which crop up from time to time .
9 Not a pleasant task but the men get a bit browned-off sitting on their hunkers here , doing precious little but dig , and insecure grumbles to their wives and girl friends creep in from time to time .
10 Each was given a bedside clock as a prize-winner — just to make sure they get off to school on time !
11 It is never a good idea to sit for long periods but , if this is essential , get up from time to time in order to move the body .
12 ‘ Of course I do , but you get out of control at times , May .
13 He is to keep an eye on them , transfer them between nicks when necessary and make sure they turn up in court on time .
14 There are many other more common causes of aortic incompetence , including rheumatic fever , but cases of syphilitic aortic-valve disease still turn up from time to time in this country , albeit rarely .
15 They turn up from time to time . ’
16 They do not live as a unit , together , but as two separate people whose lives converge briefly from time to time .
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