Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 I certainly assure the right hon. Gentleman that there is no sense in which the Government want positively to discriminate in favour of one type of schooling over others , because parents have a right to choose .
2 Premack 's tests ( Premack 1976 ) to establish that chimpanzees make rudimentary connections between ‘ states of affairs ’ ( in order not to beg the more refined question of objectuality within them ) which to us appear closely connected by virtue of a cause and an effect , or by virtue of an implicit goal or problem and a means or stratagem , seem to the layman to support attributions to chimps of protean correlates of human categories of thought .
3 In contrast , if the terms in general appear unfairly weighted in favour of one party , or if an individual term appears unreasonable , the other party may be encouraged to challenge their effectiveness , and a court may sympathise with the challenger and strive to find ways to reduce the scope of the terms .
4 Output only declined during part of the period , but when it did the geographical pattern was the same as for employment .
5 Those who recover often live in fear of a second , potentially fatal , attack , but a new test , pioneered in Australia by Dr John Bourke and funded by the British Heart Foundation , may identify those at risk .
6 We are not even likely to put up with our politicians ' abdication of monetary responsibility for long , though it is another subject they try not to mention in front of us .
7 It reserves the right to re-visit a company and claim further sums in respect of NICs where the Revenue officers have applied the wrong tests from an NIC point of view .
8 Reach T-junction with track ( castle on left ) and turn left to pass in front of castle ( b ) .
9 At junction turn left to pass behind range of farm buildings .
10 Many people never break through this barrier to faith , but carry on living in fear of self-abandonment .
11 However , the old deeds and documents of title may be helpful in resolving any detailed matters that do not appear as part of the land registration process .
12 Do not stand in front of what you written .
13 The correspondence-computations match primitive elements ( those defined by Marr ) in successive views , and do not depend on computation of the overall shape as a whole .
14 These conclusions follow from the fact that all of the correspondence-computation , and much of the interpretation-computation , is via low-level , autonomous processes that do not depend on recognition of the input as a familiar 3-D object .
15 Discussions over the need for increased powers for the Scottish party were initiated by its nationalist wing but have been seized on by the left as a means of ensuring that Labour 's different electoral aims north and south of the Border do not lead to alienation of the party 's traditional supporters in Scotland .
16 This has two purposes , firstly to illustrate the above assertion about the pervasiveness of layering and secondly to act as a reminder that there are important double diffusive flows that do not arise from instability of vertical gradients .
17 ‘ — to ensure that individuals do not suffer through ignorance of their rights and responsibilities or of the services available ; or through an inability to express their needs effectively ; , — to exercise a responsible influence on the development of social policies and services , both locally and nationally .
18 If these proceedings do not result in termination of the lease , a tenant will probably still have incurred considerable legal expense — payment of the landlord 's legal costs for taking these forfeiture proceedings .
19 We all get sick , but we do not live in fear of catching every known disease .
20 Do not apply to sale of shares .
21 Employers must also real realize their responsibilities in ensuring that their employees do not work in fear of attack .
22 If the motor is to operate at higher speeds the static torque/rotor position characteristics are no longer a reliable guide , because they do not account for distortion of the current waveform due to the winding time constant and motional voltage .
23 Do n't walk in front of it cos I shall end up running into you .
24 Well we do n't leave till sort of ten to five do we ?
25 I do n't suppose I 'm popular , but I do n't go in fear of my life . "
26 But like it 's different if you 've got a really bad cold and sometimes you have to , you ca n't like sometimes you can hide it but I do n't go in front of someone I always do it discreetly .
27 I mean you do n't want to kind of put them off too much erm
28 I do n't want to sort of wade in in response to that , I want other people to er
29 Right I mean I do n't want to sort of pry into how you do your business that the in the the getting of that information that 's that is relatively straightforward , is it ?
30 I do n't mean like sort of you wish like you wish that you like you 'll become rich or something .
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